UPSC CMS exam notification now on July 29

    The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has extended the date for the issue of notifications for Combined Medical Services, CMS 2020 exam (CMS Exam 2020). The date for issuing the notification for the CMS exam was fixed earlier on 22 July, but now it has been extended to 29 July. After the notification is released on July 29, it can be seen on UPSC official website

    Other important denials including a vacancy in notifications
    Actually, due to the ever-increasing havoc of Coronavirus, there has been a delay in issuing notifications. Normally, notification for this exam has been issued in April. Information about the vacancy and important dates will also be available in the notification to be released next week. Till then candidates can get other important information including eligibility and application fees from here.

    UPSC CMS 2020 Exam: Qualification

    In order to participate in this examination, the candidate is required to pass the final MBBS examination in both written and practical. Such candidates who have participated or are going to take the final MBBS examination can also apply for this exam. Candidates should not be more than 32 years of age to participate in the UPSC CMS exam.

    UPSC CMS 2020 Exam: fees
    Candidates participating in the UPSC CMS exam will have to pay 200 rupees as application fee. Application fees can be deposited either in any branch of SBI or can also be given through net banking of SBI. SC, ST, and PWBD category women candidates are exempted from fees. They will not have to pay any kind of fee.



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