Q.1 (i) Which political party formed ministries in a majority of the provinces after the elections of 1937? 

(ii) What was the significance of the Lahore Session of the Muslim League  (1940)? 

(iii) Who was elected President of the All India Congress at the Haripura  Session in 1938? 

(iv) Name any two princely states that had not signed the Instrument of  Accession Accord by 15th August 1947. 

(v) Which historical event posed the most serious threat to Indian democracy in 1975-76? 

(vi) What is the significance of December 1963 in the history of Nagaland’s demand for autonomy? 

(vii) What was the most significant contribution of the Janata Party  (1977 – 1979) to the changing face of Indian democracy? 

(viii) Name the signatories of the Tashkent Declaration of 1966. 

(ix) Which international movement was based on the principles of  Panch Sheel? 

(x) Mention any one social evil against which a campaign was launched by the  Mahila Dakshita Party. 

(xi) Which event transformed World War II into a global conflict? 

(xii) Mention one tactical mistake made by Hitler during World War II.

(xiii) State one important objective of the Hundred Flowers Campaign. 

(xiv) Name the first Prime Minister of independent Kenya. 

(xv) Why was the Berlin wall erected? 

(xvi) What is meant by the term détente? 

(xvii) Name the policies introduced in the USSR by Gorbachev. 

(xviii) Why is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 considered a landmark in US  legislation? 

(xix) Name the book written by Betty Friedan that sparked off the second wave  of American Feminism in the 20th century. 

(xx) Explain the meaning of the term Intifada. 


Answer five questions in all, choosing two questions from Section A, two questions from  Section B and one question from either Section A or Section B. 


Q.2 (a) Give an account of the revival of the INA and its contribution to India’s struggle for freedom under the leadership of Subhash Chandra Bose. 

(b) State the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act.


Q.3 Discuss the linguistic reorganisation of states with reference to: 

(a) Andhra 

(b) Bombay 


Q.4 With reference to India’s foreign policy, discuss the following: 

(a) The Kashmir problem and the outbreak of the Indo-Pak war of 1948-49. 

(b) The consequences of the Indo-Pak war of 1971. 


Q.5 Review the achievements and failures of the Janata Government (1977 – 1979). 


Q.6 (a) What were the main features of the Towards Equality Report (1974)? 

(b) Briefly discuss the efforts made by various Women’s Movements in India to root out the social evils of dowry and domestic violence. 


Q.7 (a) Discuss the significant changes in Mussolini’s foreign policy after 1935, till the outbreak of World War II. 

(b) Why did Britain and France follow a policy of appeasement towards Germany and Italy? 


Q.8 In the context of the civil war and the establishment of the People’s Republic in China,  answer the following questions: 

(a) State the causes of the victory of the Communists in the civil war in China in 1949. 

(b) What important economic changes were introduced by Mao Tse Tung under the Great Leap Forward? 


Q.9 The Cuban missile crisis led to an escalation of international tensions and pushed the world to brink of a nuclear war. Discuss. 


Q.10 In the context of protest movements in the USA, discuss the following: 

(a) The significant change in the attitude of the government towards racial discrimination in the USA. 

(b) The impact of the Presidential Commission on the Feminist Movement in the USA (1960s – 1980s). 


Q.11 (a) To what extent was Nasser responsible for the Suez War of 1956? 

(b) State the consequences of the Suez War of 1956. 




प्रश्न 1 किसी एक विषय पर निबन्ध लिखिए जो लगभग 400 शब्दों से कम न हो : 

(i) निस्वार्थ भाव से की गई सहायता से असीम आनंद तथा संतोष प्राप्त होता है। किसी ऐसी ही एक घटना का वर्णन कीजिए जब आपने अपनी परेशानियों की परवाह किए बिना किसी जरूरतमंद व्यक्ति की मदद की थी। यह भी स्पष्ट कीजिए कि इस अनुभव से आपके जीवन पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा ? 

(ii) “जल ही जीवन है। जल के बिना सुनहरे कल की कल्पना करना व्यर्थ है।” वर्तमान युग में जल संकट की समस्या किस प्रकार विकराल रूप लेती जा रही है ? जल संरक्षण की आवश्यकता तथा इसके विभिन्न उपायों पर प्रकाश डालते हुए अपने विचार प्रस्तुत कीजिए। 

(iii) आपके विद्यालयी जीवन का यह अन्तिम वर्ष है। आज आपका विदाई समारोह आयोजित किया गया है। इतने वर्षों का मित्रों एवं अध्यापकों का साथ छूटने वाला है। इन बीते वर्षों के न भूलने वाले खट्टे-मीठे अनुभव लिखिए। 

(iv) “मनुष्य के नैतिक उत्थान का जिम्मेदार परिवार एवं समाज है” — विषय के पक्ष या विपक्ष में अपने विचार व्यक्त कीजिए। 

(v) विश्व के मानचित्र पर भारत की एक नई पहचान उभर रही है, इसका कारण है “आज का जागरूक भारत”व्याख्या कीजिए। 

(vi) निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक पर मौलिक कहानी लिखिए : 

(a) “बीती ताहि बिसार दे आगे की सुध लेय।’ 

(b) एक मौलिक कहानी लिखिए जिसका अन्तिम वाक्य हो : 

…………….. और अपने घर सकुशल पहुँचने पर हमने चैन की साँस ली। 


प्रश्न 2 निम्नलिखित अवतरण को पढ़कर, अन्त में दिए गए प्रश्न के उत्तर अपने शब्दों में लिखिए : 

पुराने समय की बात है, एक गाँव में दो किसान रहते थे। दोनों ही बहुत गरीब थे, दोनों के पास थोड़ी-थोड़ी ज़मीन थी, दोनों उसमें ही मेहनत करके अपना और अपने परिवार का गुजारा करते थे। 

      अकस्मात् कुछ समय पश्चात दोनों की एक ही दिन, एक ही समय पर मृत्यु हो गयी। यमराज दोनों को एक साथ भगवान के पास ले गए। भगवान ने उन्हें देख के उनसे पूछा, “तुम्हारे इस जीवन में क्या कमी थी ?” भगवान की बात सुनकर उनमें से एक किसान बड़े गुस्से से बोला, “हे भगवन् ! आपने इस जन्म में मुझे बहुत घटिया जिन्दगी दी थी। आपने कुछ भी नहीं दिया था मुझे। पूरी ज़िन्दगी मैंने बैल की तरह खेतों में काम किया, जो कुछ भी कमाया वह सब पेट भरने में लगा दिया, न ही मैं कभी अच्छे कपड़े पहन पाया और न ही कभी अपने परिवार को अच्छा खाना खिला पाया। जो भी पैसे कमाता था, कोई आकर मुझसे लेकर चला जाता था और मेरे हाथ में कुछ भी नहीं आया। देखो, कैसी जानवरों जैसी ज़िन्दगी जी है मैंने ।” 

         उसकी बात सुनकर भगवान कुछ समय मौन रहे और पुन: उस किसान से पूछा, “तो अब तुम क्या चाहते हो, इस जन्म में मैं तुम्हें क्या बनाऊँ ?” 

          भगवान का प्रश्न  सुनकर वह किसान पुन: बोला, “भगवन् ! आप कुछ ऐसा कर दीजिए, कि मुझे कभी किसी को कुछ भी देना ना पड़े। मुझे तो केवल चारों तरफ से पैसा ही पैसा मिले।” 

         अपनी बात कहकर वह किसान चुप हो गया। भगवान ने उसकी बात सुनी और कहा, “तथास्तु ! तुम अब जा सकते हो, मैं तुम्हें ऐसा ही जीवन दूँगा जैसा तुमने मुझसे माँगा है।” 

        उसके जाने के बाद भगवान ने दूसरे किसान से पूछा, “तुम बताओ, तुम्हारे जीवन में क्या कमी थी ?” उस किसान ने भगवान के सामने हाथ जोड़ते हुए कहा, “हे भगवन् । आपने मुझे सबकुछ दिया, मैं आपसे क्या माँगूं। आपने मुझे एक अच्छा परिवार दिया, मुझे कुछ ज़मीन दी जिस पर मेहनत से काम करके मैंने अपने परिवार को एक अच्छा जीवन दिया। खाने के लिए आपने मुझे और मेरे परिवार को भरपेट भोजन दिया। मैं और मेरा परिवार कभी भूखे पेट नहीं सोया। बस एक ही कभी थी मेरे जीवन में, जिसका मुझे पूरी ज़िन्दगी अफ़सोस रहा और आज भी है। मेरे दरवाजे पर कभी कुछ भूखे और प्यासे लोग आते थे भोजन माँगने के लिए परन्तु कभी-कभी भोजन न होने के कारण मैं उन्हें खाना नहीं दे पाता था और वे मेरे द्वार से भूखे ही लौट जाते थे। ऐसा कहकर वह चुप हो गया।’ 

             भगवान ने उसकी बात सुनकर उससे पूछा, “तो अब क्या चाहते हो तुम, इस जन्म में मैं ङ्केतुम्हें क्या बनाऊँ ? किसान ने हाथ जोड़ते हुए भगवान से विनती की, हे प्रभु ! आप कुछ ऐसा कर दें कि मेरे द्वार से कोई भूखा-प्यासा ना जाए।” भगवान ने कहा, “तथास्तु ! तुम जाओ तुम्हारे द्वार से कभी कोई भूखा-प्यासा नहीं जाएगा।” 

        अब दोनों का पुन: उसी गाँव में एक साथ जन्म हुआ। दोनों एक साथ बड़े हुए। पहला व्यक्ति जिसने भगवान से कहा था कि उसे चारों तरफ से केवल धन मिले और उसे कभी किसी को कुछ देना ना पड़े, वह व्यक्ति उस गाँव का सबसे बड़ा भिखारी बना। अब उसे किसी को कुछ देना नहीं पड़ता था और जो कोई भी आता उसकी झोली में पैसे डालकर ही जाता था। 

कि उसके द्वार से कभी कोई भूखा-प्यासा न जाए, वह उस गाँव का सबसे अमीर आदमी बना। 

          ईश्वर ने जो दिया है उसी में संतुष्ट रहना बहुत ज़रूरी है। अक्सर देखा जाता है कि सभी लोगों को हमेशा दूसरों की चीजें ज्यादा पंसद आती हैं और इसके चक्कर में वे अपना जीवन भी अच्छे से नहीं जी पाते। हर बात के दो पहलू होते हैं—सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक, अब ये हमारी सोच पर निर्भर है कि हम चीज़ों को नकारात्मक रूप से देखते हैं या सकारात्मक रूप से। अच्छा जीवन जीना है, तो अपनी सोच को अच्छा बनाना होगा। चीज़ों में कमियाँ निकालने की बजाय भगवान ने जो दिया है उसका आनंद लेना और हमेशा दूसरों के प्रति सेवा भाव रखना होगा ! जिस दिन हमारी सोच बदलेगी, जीवन के प्रति हमारा दृष्टिकोण भी बदल जाएगा। 

प्रश्न  : 

(i) दोनों किसान कहाँ रहते थे ? उन दोनों में क्या समानताएँ एवं क्या विषमताएँ थीं ? 

(ii) पहले किसान को अपने जीवन से क्या शिकायत थी ? वह दूसरे जन्म में क्या बनना चाहता था ? 

(iii) दूसरे किसान ने भगवान से अपने लिए क्या माँगा और क्यों ? 

(iv) दोनों किसानों का पुनर्जन्म किस रूप में हुआ ? अब उनका जीवन कैसा था ? 

(v) इस गद्यांश से हमें क्या शिक्षा मिलती है ? 


प्रश्न 3 निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को शुद्ध करके लिखिए : 

(i) श्याम तेजी से दौड़ता है। 

(ii) वह मेरे शब्दों पर ध्यान नहीं देता। 

(iii) उसने गीत की दो-चार लड़ियाँ गाईं। 

(iv) हत्यारे को मृत्युदण्ड की सजा मिली। 

(v) हम हमारे देश के लिए जान दे देंगे। 

(b) निम्नलिखित मुहावरों को वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त कीजिए : 

(i) हाथ तंग होना। 

(ii) चुल्लू भर पानी में डूब मरना। 

(iii) आसमान सिर पर उठाना। 

(iv) कान भरना। 

(v) इधर-उधर की हाँकना। 


गद्य संकलन (Gadya Sanklan) 

प्रश्न 4 “जैसे भी हो, इस बार बेटू को अपने साथ लेकर ही जाना होगा। यही हाल रहा तो इसकी जिंदगी चौपट हो जाएगी। यह भी कोई ढंग है भला।” 

(i) उक्त कथन कौन, किससे और किस संदर्भ में कह रहा है ? 

(ii) श्रोता उक्त कथन सुनकर धर्म-संकट में क्यों था ? 

(iii) बेटू के आ जाने से अम्मा का जीवन किस तरह बीतता था ? 

(iv) ‘मजबूरी’ कहानी के माध्यम से कहानीकारा पाठकों का ध्यान किस ओर आकृष्ट कर रही है?


प्रश्न 5 “म्लेच्छों ने मुझे मुलतान की लूट में पकड़ लिया। मैं उनकी कठोरता में जीवित रहकर बराबर उनका विरोध ही करती रही।” कथन के आधार पर इरावती की व्यथा का वर्णन करते हुए उसका चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए। 

प्रश्न 6 “गौरी एक चरित्र प्रधान कहानी है”। कहानी के आधार पर गौरी की देशभक्ति एवं त्याग का वर्णन करते हुए बताइए कि गौरी का योगदान सीताराम जी की तुलना में कहीं कम नहीं था। 

काव्य मंजरी (Kavya Manjari) 

प्रश्न 7 क्या हवाएँ थीं कि उजड़ा प्यार का वह आशियाना, 

कुछ ना आया काम तेरा, शोर करना गुल मचाना, 

माना कि उन शक्तियों के साथ चलता जोर किसका 

किन्तु ऐ निर्माण के प्रतिनिधि, तुझे होगा बताना 

जो बसे हैं, वो उजड़ते हैं, प्रकृति के जड़ नियम से, 

पर किसी उजड़े हुए को, फिर बसाना कब मना है ?

है अँधेरी रात पर दीवा जलाना कब मना है ? 

(ii) ‘प्यार का आशियाना’ कैसे उजड़ गया ? मनुष्य का शोरगुल मचाना काम क्यों नहीं आया ? 

(iii) ‘निर्माण के प्रतिनिधि’ किसे कहा गया है और क्यों ? ‘प्रकृति का जड़ नियम’ क्या है ? समझाइए। 

(iv) प्रस्तुत कविता से कवि क्या सन्देश देना चाहते हैं ? समझाकर लिखिए। 


प्रश्न 8 ‘एक फूल की चाह’ कविता के माध्यम से कवि सियारामशरण गुप्त जी ने छुआछूत जैसी सामाजिक कुरीति पर कुठाराघात किया है। – सिद्ध कीजिए। 


प्रश्न 9 ‘आ: धरती कितना देती है’ का मूल प्रतिपाद्य लिखिए। प्रस्तुत कविता द्वारा कवि ने क्या सन्देश दिया है?

‘सारा आकाश’ (Saara Akash) 

प्रश्न 10 “तूने मुझे बचा लिया, वरना सच कहता हूँ कि पागल हो जाता। तू नहीं जानता, हमारे घर की हालत क्या है।” मेरी समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि कैसे अपनी कृतज्ञता को व्यक्त करूँ। मेरी आँखें भर आईं। 

(i) उपन्यास तथा उपन्यासकार का नाम लिखिए। यह किस प्रकार का उपन्यास है ?

(ii) उपर्युक्त कथन का वक्ता कौन है ? वक्ता किसके प्रति आभारी है और क्यों ? 

(iii) वक्ता ने श्रोता से कितने रुपये उधार लिए और उन रुपयों से किसके लिए क्या खरीदा ? उसके बाद वक्ता जब घर पहुंचा तो घरवालों की क्या प्रतिक्रिया हुई ? 

(iv) श्रोता का चरित्र चित्रण कीजिए। 


प्रश्न 11 ‘सारा आकाश’ उपन्यास के आधार पर समर के बाबूजी का चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए। 

प्रश्न 12 ‘‘सारा आकाश’ राजेन्द्र यादव द्वारा लिखित एक उद्देश्यपूर्ण रचना है।’ – उपन्यास के आधार पर इस कथन की व्याख्या कीजिए। 


‘आषाढ़ का एक दिन’ (Aashad Ka Ek Din) 

प्रश्न 13 विलोम क्या है ? एक असफल कालिदास। और कालिदास ? एक असफल विलोम। हम कहीं एक-दूसरे के बहुत निकट पड़ते हैं। 

(i) वक्ता और श्रोता का परिचय दीजिए। 

(ii) प्रस्तुत संवाद का प्रसंग स्पष्ट कीजिए। 

(iii) उपर्युक्त पंक्तियों के आधार पर वक्ता का दृष्टिकोण स्पष्ट कीजिए। 

(iv) उपर्युक्त संवाद के आधार पर बताइए कि विलोम और कालिदास के बीच कैसे संबंध थे ? 


प्रश्न 14 “अम्बिका भावनाओं में नहीं यथार्थ में जीती है।” ‘आषाढ़ का एक दिन’ नाटक के आधार पर अम्बिका की चारित्रिक विशेषताओं का वर्णन कीजिए। 

प्रश्न 15 प्रियंगुमंजरी मल्लिका को अपने साथ चलने के लिए क्यों कहती है ? मल्लिका की इस पर क्या प्रतिक्रिया थी ? 





THE TEMPEST ⎯ Shakespeare 

Q. 1 Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow: 

(a) Prospero : 

This blue-eyed hag was hither brought with child, 

And here was left by th’ sailors. Thou, my slave, 

As thou report’s thyself, was then her servant, 

And for thou wast a spirit too delicate 

To act her earthy and abhorr’d commands, 

Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee, 

By help of her more potent ministers 

And in her most unmitigable rage, 

Into a cloven pine….. 

(i) What leads Prospero to talk about the ‘blue-eyed hag’? 

(ii) Why was she brought to this island?

(iii) What account do we get of Ariel’s suffering in the cloven pine? Who had saved him and how? 

(iv) How does Prospero describe the hag’s son? 

(v) What does Prospero threaten to do to Ariel now? What effect does his threat have on Ariel? 

(vi) Give the meanings of the following words in the context of the passage: 

                     abhorr’d,                cloven  

(b) Caliban : 

I prithee let me bring thee where crabs grow, 

And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts, 

Show thee a jay’s nest, and instruct thee how 

To snare the nimble marmoset. I’ll bring thee 

To clustering filberts, and sometimes I’ll get thee 

Young scamels from the rock. Wilt thou go with me? 

(i) To whom is Caliban speaking these lines? 

(ii) Briefly describe the circumstance under which he had met them. 

(iii) Who does he think they are? Why? 

(iv) To which other person had Caliban shown such a slavish attitude? What had the result been? 

(v) How do his present listeners respond to his words? 

(vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage:  

            Snare,             marmoset  

(c) Ariel      :Thy thoughts I cleave to. What’s thy pleasure? 

    Prospero  : Spirit, we must prepare to meet with Caliban. 

    Ariel        : Ay, my commander. When I presented Ceres 

                     I thought to have told thee of it, but I fear’d 

                     Lest I might anger thee. 

Prospero : Say again, where didst thou leave these varlets? 

(i) For whom is the term varlets being used? 

(ii) What comical behaviour of theirs does Ariel narrate now? 

(iii) Where had these people been going? Why? 

(iv) Where did Ariel leave them eventually? What did they do then? 

(v) What does Prospero tell Ariel to do? Why? 

(vi) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: 

               cleave,                    varlets  

CANDIDA ⎯ George Bernard Shaw 

Q. 2 Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions which follow: 

(a) Morell : (thoughtfully) Hm! Time for him to take another look at  Candida before she grows out of his knowledge. (He resigns himself to the inevitable, and goes out). 

Lexy looks after him with beaming worship.  Miss Garnett, not being able to shake Lexy, relieves her  feelings by worrying the typewriter. 

Lexy : What a good man! What a thorough loving soul he is!  (He takes Morell’s place at the table, making himself  very comfortable as he takes out a cigaret). 

Proserpine : (impatiently, pulling the letter she has been working at  off the typewriter and folding it) Oh, a man ought to be able to be fond of his wife without making a fool of  himself about her. 

Lexy : (shocked) Oh, Miss Prossy! 

(i) Who is Morell talking about? How does he react when he gets to know about the arrival of this person? 

(ii) What advice has Morell given Lexy about marriage? 

(iii) What does Proserpine say further to express her displeasure? 

(iv) When Lexy expresses unhappiness at Proserpine’s feelings against Candida,  How does Prossy defend herself? 

(v) Judging by Lexy’s disbelief, how does Proserpine condemn men’s ideas about women? 

(vi) How does Lexy voice his regret then?

(b) Marchbanks : 

(stopping her mysteriously) Hush! I go about in search  of love; and I find it in unmeasured stores in the bosoms  of others. But when I try to ask for it, this horrible  shyness strangles me; and I stand dumb, or worse than  dumb, saying meaningless things: foolish lies. And I see  the affection I am longing for given to dogs and cats and  pet birds, because they come and ask for it. (Almost  whispering) It must be asked for: it is like a ghost: it  cannot speak unless it is first spoken to. (At his usual  pitch, but with deep melancholy) All the love in the  world is longing to speak; only it dare not, because it is  shy! shy! shy! That is the world’s tragedy. (With a deep  sigh, he sits in the visitors’ chair and buries his face in his hands.) 

Proserpine : (amazed, but keeping her wits about her: her point of  honor in encounters with strange young men) Wicked people get over that shyness occasionally, don’t they? 

(i) Where are Marchbanks and Proserpine? 

(ii) How does Marchbanks offend Proserpine? 

(iii) What are Marchbanks’ ideas of love? 

(iv) What is ‘like a ghost’? Why has he used this reference? 

(v) What does Marchbanks tell about his shyness to Proserpine? 

(vi) Does Marchbanks agree with Proserpine when she says that wicked people  do not feel shy? 

(c) Marchbanks : [Convulsively]

Candida : Yes, onions. Not even Spanish ones: nasty little  red onions. You shall help me to slice them.Come  along. 

                  [She catches him by the wrist and runs out, pulling him after her. Burgess rises in  

                   consternation, and stands aghast on the hearth-rug,  staring after them.] 

      Burgess : Candy didnt oughter andle a hearl’s nevvy like that. Its going too fur with it.

(i) Why is Marchbanks disgusted by the onions? 

(ii) Why had he been similarly agitated a little earlier? 

(iii) How had Candida responded then? 

(iv) Why is Burgess shocked? 

(v) What does he get to know about Marchbanks soon? 

(vi) Why does Morell appear disinterested? 


(Answer four questions on at least three textbooks which may include EITHER The Tempest OR Candida.) 

THE TEMPEST ⎯ Shakespeare 

Q. 3 Referring closely to Act IV, scene i: 

(a) Describe the blessings showered by Ceres and Iris on Miranda and Ferdinand.  

What is the significance of these blessings? 

(b) What did Prospero tell Ferdinand just before the masque? What did he emphasize and how did Ferdinand answer him? 

(c) What do you conclude about Prospero from the events that occur in the act?


Q. 4 Prospero refers to Caliban as “A devil, a born devil”. In this context, evaluate the  character and role of Caliban in the play. 

CANDIDA ⎯ George Bernard Shaw 

Q. 5 Referring closely to Act III of the play Candida

(a) Describe the conflict between Marchbanks and Morell regarding Candida.

(b) Describe the auction that Candida initiates. Why do you think she terms it an auction? 

(c) What is the reason for the choice made by her at the end of the play? 


Q. 6 In the play Candida, Shaw presents Candida as an unconventional woman. Discuss. 


Q. 7 Referring closely to the events, answer the following: 

(a) How is the Church established and what is the role of the white men in establishing it? 

(b) Why does Nwoyi secretly become attracted to the religion of the missionaries? What was his father’s reaction? 

(c) Which circumstances had led to the suicide of Okonkwo?


Q. 8 How is the story about why mosquitoes buzz around people’s ears relevant to the novel? 


Q. 9 “His whole life was dominated by fear of failure and of weakness.” Do you think this is  true of Okonkwo? Give your views with reference to the novel. 


Q. 10 Referring closely to the essay ‘My Visions of India’, answer the following: 

(a) Relate the first and second vision of Dr. Kalam. 

(b) What does he say about his third vision?

(c) How does Dr. Kalam co-relate his message with the message of J. F. Kennedy?


Q. 11 Referring closely to the essay On being Idle, discuss how the writer treats a light subject  with a serious message. 

Q. 12 In the essay On the Decay of The Art of Lying, what makes Mark Twain argue that  “the Lie, as a Virtue, A Principle, is eternal”? According to Mark Twain, what is a silent  lie? What example does he give to demonstrate a silent lie? Why does he oppose injurious  truth and injurious lying?


Q. 13  Referring closely to the short story B. Wordsworth: 

(a) Describe the interaction between B. Wordsworth and the young narrator. 

(b) What did the narrator learn from his friend? 

(c) Do you feel that B. Wordsworth was an escapist? Give reasons for your answer. 


Q. 14 How does Roald Dahl depict the theme of obsession in his short story, The Sound  Machine? 

Q. 15 How successful was the writer in bringing out the protagonist’s innate goodness in the  short story, Salvatore? 


Q. 16 Referring closely to the poem Dover Beach

(a) Describe the moonlit scene described by the poet at the beginning of the poem.

(b) How does the poet introduce the note of melancholy and disturbance? In this context, what does he say about Faith? 

(c) What does the poet say about the world in which he finds himself? What is the only hope left for mankind? 


Q. 17 How is the power of the Music Makers brought out in We are the Music Makers? 

Q. 18 The poem John Brown presents two attitudes to war. Describe the two attitudes. Which  one do you sympathise with? Why?




Q.1 Write a composition (in approximately 400 – 450 words) on any one of the following subjects: 

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of  material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and  grammar.) 

(a) Recently, you travelled to a place you found peaceful and rewarding. Describe the  place, the weather, the people and the local activities that make this destination  particularly attractive. 

(b) Narrate an experience when you took on a responsibility in your school that you  usually would not, and you were pleasantly surprised at the outcome. 

(c) “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Express your views on this statement. 

(d) Solitude. 

(e) Students should be allowed to use electronic gadgets in the classroom. Argue for  or against this proposition. 

(f) Write an original short story that begins with the line: 

The lone young man who sat hunched on the park bench had an unusual gleam in  his eyes.

Q. 2 (a) As the Secretary of the Creative Arts Club of XYZ School, you organised an  inter-school drama competition. Write a report for the school magazine in not more  than 300 words, detailing the success of the event based on the following points: 

Date, time and place – objective of the event – inauguration – schools involved – judges invited – response of participants – reaction of audience – plan for similar  events in future.  

(b) As a member of the Student Council, you have been given the responsibility of  arranging for a career guidance workshop. Write a proposal in not more than  150 words, stating the steps you would take to make the workshop a success. 


Q. 3 Answer sections (a), (b) and (c). 

(a) In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not.  

Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write  sentence B in each case.  


(0) (A) As soon as the bell rings, the children run out to play. 

(B) No sooner……..……………………………… 

Answer: (0) No sooner does the bell ring than the children run out to play.

1 – (A) When he returned, we asked him many questions. 

(B) On his………. ………………………….. 

2 – (A) He arrived and the crowd went hysterical with joy. 

(B) Scarcely……………………………………. 

3 – (A) The bus service has been interrupted by floods. 

(B) Floods………………………………………. 

4 – (A) This scenery is breath-taking. 

(B) How…………………………………………. 

5 – (A) You are entitled to a discount as long as the offer lasts. 

(B) So long….…………………………………… 

6 – (A) He is so tall that he cannot enter through this door. 

(B) He is too……………………………………… 

7 – (A) The doctor said to him, “Drink at least three litres of water every day.” 

(B) The doctor advised……………………………

8 – (A) Sunita is the best debater in our team. 

(B) No other……………………………………….. 

9 – (A) Not only did he score a century but also took three important  wickets. 

(B) Besides………………………………………… 

10 – (A) I am sorry I am unable to accompany you. 

(B) I regret my .…………………………………… 

(b) Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.) 

1- The antique furniture was sold ____________ an auction. 

2- The tickets were sold _____________ within an hour. 

3- I realized I had walked __________ a trap, but it was too late. 

4- She had walked ___________ two hours before she realized she was lost.

5- Can he take _________ the additional responsibility? 

6- She takes _________ her mother in all her mannerisms. 

7- Neha turned _________ a new leaf after the incident. 

8- I did not expect so many people to turn _________ for the conference.

9- The students brought___________ the first issue of their magazine. 

10- Mowgli was brought _________ by wolves in the jungle. 

(c) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage but write the verbs in the correct order. 

When Albert Einstein ___________(1)(be) three years old, his parents  ________(2)(be) very worried. He __________(3)(seem) intelligent, but had not  spoken a single word. They _________(4)(take) him to many doctors who  ___________(5)(say) that they_________(6)(find) nothing wrong with the child.  One day, at the dinner table, Albert suddenly said, “The soup __________(7)(be) too hot.” The shocked parents _______(8)(ask) him why he ________(9)(remain)  silent for so long. The young child solemnly replied, “Everything  __________(10)(be) in order until now.” 

Q. 4 Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (c) that  follow: 

(1) My job as the District Veterinarian in Darrowby, Yorkshire has thrown up some  interesting moments. I was driving up to Pawson’s sheep farm one morning,  when I saw this rare sight. 

(2) I suppose it isn’t unusual to see a man pushing a pram in a town, but on a lonely  moorland road this scene merits a second glance. Especially when the pram  contains a large gray dog. I drew up beside them and stopped. 

(3) I looked at the pram, ancient and rusty, and at the big animal sitting upright inside  it. He was a cross-bred greyhound, and he gazed back at me with unruffled  dignity. I couldn’t help but admire his healthy and happy disposition. 

(4) “Nice dog,” I said. 10 (5) “Aye, that’s Jake.” The man smiled, introducing himself as Roddy. 

(6) That same evening, about eight o’clock, the doorbell rang. I answered it and  found Roddy on the front doorstep. Behind him, stood the ubiquitous pram. One  look at the prone dog warned me that something was terribly wrong.  

(7) I threw the door wide open. “Bring him in.”

(8) I grabbed the animal round the middle and we lifted him onto the table. I watched  in disbelief as the huge form lay there. There was no fight for breath, he was  unconscious. His pulse was rapid and feeble, yet he didn’t breathe. 

(9) Understanding the symptoms, I said, “Roddy, he is choking. I’m going to have a  look at his throat.”

(10) I pushed Jake’s jaws apart, depressed his tongue with a forefinger, and shone my  torch into the depths. He was the kind of good-natured dog who offered no  resistance as I prodded around. I shall always be thankful that at that very instant  the dog coughed, opening up the cartilages of the larynx and giving me a glimpse of the cause of all the trouble. There, beyond the drooping epiglottis, I saw for a  25 fleeting moment a smooth round object no bigger than a pea. 

(11) “I think it’s a pebble,” I gasped. “Right inside his larynx. I’ll have to get it out.” 

(12) I seized a pair of scissors and clipped away the hair from the ventral surface of the larynx. I dared not use a general anesthetic, and therefore I infiltrated the area locals before swabbing with antiseptic. 

(13) “Hold his head steady,” I said hoarsely, and gripped a scalpel. I cut down through  skin, fascia, and the thin layers of the muscle until the ventral surface of the  larynx was revealed. 

(14) And there it was. A pebble right enough―gray and glistening and tiny, but big  enough to kill. 

(15) I had to fish it out quickly and cleanly without pushing it into the trachea. I  leaned back and rummaged in the tray until I found some broad-bladed forceps,  then I poised them over the wound. Great surgeons’ hands, I felt sure, didn’t  shake like this. 

(16) I clenched my teeth, introduced the forceps, and my hand magically steadied as I  clamped them over the pebble. 

(17) I didn’t breathe at all as I bore the shining little object slowly and tenderly  through the opening and dropped it with a gentle rat-tat on the table. 

(18) “Is that it?” asked Roddy, almost in a whisper. 

(19) “That’s it.” I reached for a needle and suture silk. “All is well now.”

(20) The stitching took only a few minutes and by the end of it, Jake was bright-eyed  and alert, paws shifting impatiently, ready for anything.  

(21) He seemed to know his troubles were over.  

Adapted from: James Herriot’s Favorite Dog Stories 

(a) (i) Given below are four words and phrases. Find the words which have a  similar meaning in the passage: 

(1) deserves 

(2) undisturbed 

(3) being unable to breathe 

(4) wet and shining 

(ii) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage: 

(1) middle (line 16

(2) wound (line 38

(3) introduced (line 40

(4) well (line 45)

(b) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible: (i) What was unusual about the pram on the moorland road? 

(ii) How did the narrator know that the dog was choking? 

(iii) Describe how the narrator found the cause of the choking? 

(iv) What preparations did the narrator make before the surgery? 

(c) Summarise how the narrator removed the pebble and saved Jake’s life.  

(Paragraphs 11 to 19). You are required to write the summary in the form of a  connected passage in about 100 words. Failure to keep within the word limit will  be penalised.



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