S.No. Subject No. of Question Total Marks
1. History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National Movement  15 30
2. Mental Ability Test, Statistics (Secondary Level), Mathematics (Secondary Level), Language Ability Test : Hindi, English 20 40
3. Current affairs 10 20
4. General Science, Indian Polity, Geography of Rajasthan  15 30
5 Educational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajasthan,  Right to Education Act, 2009 15 30
Total  75 150


1. All the questions in the Paper shall be Multiple Choice Type Questions.

2. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one-third of the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted. Explanation : Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answer.

 3. Duration of the paper shall be 1 Hour 30 Minutes. 




1. General Awareness and General Studies 

History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National Movement 

  • Development of Art, Science and Literature during Mauryan and Gupta Periods. 
  • Ancient Indian education system and educational institutions of learning, Indian cultural expansion abroad. 
  • Growth of education during British period, Freedom Struggle of 1857. Rise of Nationalist movement, Prominent leaders of national movement, V.D. Savarkar, Bankim Chandra, Lal, Bal, Pal, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Ras Behari Bose, Subhash Chandra Bose., social and religious renaissance- Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati and Vivekanand. 
  • Mahatma Gandhi and National movement.  
  • Freedom Struggle of 1857 and Rajasthan. Peasant and labour movement. Vijay Singh Pathik, Arjun Lal Sethi, Kesari Singh and Joravar Singh Bareth. 
  • shivaji and the Maratha Swaraj, Rajput polity, society and culture during 7 th to 12 th centuries. 
  • Bhakti movement and cultural synthesis, development of education, language, literature, Art and Architecture during Mugal Period. 
  • Maharana Pratap, struggle with the Mughals. 

2. Mental Ability Test 

Analogy, series completion, coding-decoding, blood relations, logical venn diagrams, alphabetical test, number ranking and time sequence test, mathematical operations, arithmetical reasoning, data interpretation, data sufficiency, cubes and dice, construction of sequences and triangles. 

Statistics (Secondary Level) Collection of data, presentation of data, graphical representation of data, measures of central tendency, mean, mode, median of ungrouped and grouped data. 

Mathematics (Secondary Level) Natural, rational and irrational numbers, real numbers and their decimal expansions, operations on real numbers, laws of exponents for real numbers, rational numbers and their decimal expansions. Zeros of a polynomial. Relationship between zeros and coefficients of a polynomial. Division algorithm for polynomials. Algebraic methods of solution of pair of linear equations in two variables. 

Mensuration : Surface area of a cuboid and a cube, right circular cylinder, right circular cone, sphere. Volume of a cuboid, cylinder, right circular cone and sphere, Surface area and volume of a combination of solids conversion of solid from shape to another. 

Language ability test : Hindi, English 

सामान्य हिन्दी 

  • संधि और संधि विच्छेद । 
  • उपसर्ग । 
  • प्रत्यय । 
  • विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द । 
  • अनेकार्थक शब्द । 
  • शब्द – युग्म । 
  • शब्द – शुद्धि: अशुद्धि शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण । 
  • वाक्य – शुद्धि: अशुद्धि वाक्यों का शुद्धिकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण । 
  • क्रिया: सकर्मक और अकर्मक क्रियाएँ । 
  • अँग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिन्दी शब्द । 


• Tenses/Sequence of Tenses. 

• Voice : Active and Passive. 

• Narration : Direct and Indirect. 

• Use of Articles and Determiners. 

• Use of Prepositions. 

• Correction of sentences including subject, Verb, Agreement, Degrees of Adjectives, Connectives and words wrongly used. 

• Glossary of official, Technical Terms (with their Hindi Versions). 

• Antonyms. 

• Forming new words by using prefixes and suffixes. 

• Confusable words. 

3. Current Affairs 

Census of India and Raj 2011, Current Programmes of development in India with special reference to Rajasthan, Schemes of women Empowerment in India with special reference to Rajasthan, skill development Programmes, Renewable Energy resources and their potential in India. Health and Hygiene Schemes of Rajasthan, Space programmes of India, Atomic Energy programmes, India and the world events of importance, Persons and places of India in current issues, Contemporary events in Science and Technology in India, National and International Awards and Prizes, Latest Books and Authors of India, Sports and games. 

4. General Science  

Atoms and molecules, Chemical reactions and equations, Carbon and its compounds, Force and laws of motion, Work and energy, Tissues, Control and coordination, Heredity and evolution, Management of natural resources, Protection of environment, Biodiversity and sustainable development. 

Indian Polity

  • Salient feature of the constitution of India, Indian Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary Organization, Theory and practice, Elections in India. The president of India, Election and emergency powers of the president. 
  • Cabinet, Prime Minister and his powers. 
  • Parliament, speaker and his functions. 
  • Bureaucratic set up of India. 
  • Political parties and their role – Theory and practice. 
  • Supreme court – Organization and powers, Commissions and Boards at -national level. 

Geography of Rajasthan Location, extent, shape, size, physical features climate, demographic characteristics, agriculture, mineral resources, energy resources. Tourism and transport. Industries and trade. 

5. Educational Management, Educational scenario in Rajasthan, Right to Education Act 2009 

Concept and functions of educational management, Educational management in Rajasthan, School as a unit of decentralized planning, Educational Management Information System(EMIS), Institutional planning, School mapping, Block Resource Centre(BRC), School Management Committee(SMC), District Information System for Education(DISE), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA), Rashtriya Madhyanik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA). 

Organisation of educational set up at primary and secondary in Rajasthan , Functions of RIE, SIERT, BSER, IASE, CTE, DIET, Rajasthan Education Initiative, Balika Shiksha Foundation, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, Rajasthan text book board, Bharat Scouts and Guides. 

Rashtriya Military School, Sainik school, Public school, Model school, E-Mitra, E- Governance, Rajshiksha, Edusat, Gyandarshan, Gyanvani. 

Provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 







Paper Subjects No. of  Questions Marks Duration
Paper- I

Part-I General Hindi

Part-II General Knowledge, History and Culture of Rajasthan





2 Hours



2 Hours




Part – I 


1. दिये गये शब्दों की संधि एवं शब्दों का संधि-विच्छेद । 

2. उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय-इनके संयोग से शब्द – संरचना तथा शब्दों से उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय को पृथक करना, इनकी पहचान । 

3. समस्त (सामासिक) पद,की रचना करना, समस्त (सामासिक) पद का विग्रह करना । 

4. शब्द युग्मों का अर्थ भेद । 

5. पर्यायवाची शब्द और विलोम शब्द । 

6. शब्द शुद्धि – दिये गये अशुद्ध शब्दों को शुद्ध लिखना । 

7. वाक्य शुद्धि – वर्तनी संबंधी अशुद्धियों को छोड़कर वाक्य संबंधी अन्य व्याकरणिक अशुद्धियों का शुद्धीकरण । 

8. वाक्यांश के लिये एक उपयुक्त शब्द । 

9. पारिभाषिक शब्दावली – प्रशासन से सम्बन्धित अँग्रेजी शब्दों के समकक्ष हिन्दी शब्द । 

10. मुहावरे – वाक्यों में केवल सार्थक प्रयोग अपेक्षित है । 11 लोकोक्ति – वाक्यों में केवल सार्थक प्रयोग अपेक्षित है । 


Part – II 

General Knowledge, History and Culture of Rajasthan

1. राजस्थान की भौगोलिक संरचना – भौगोलिक विभाजन, जलवायु, प्रमुख् ा पर्वत, नदियां, मरूस्थल एवं फसलें । 

2. राजस्थान का इतिहास – सभ्यताएं – कालीबंगा एवं आहड़, प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व – महाराणा कुंभा, महाराणा सांगा, महाराणा प्रताप, राव जोधा, राव मालदेव, महाराजा जसवंतसिंह, वीर दुर्गादास, जयपुर के महाराजा मानसिंह-प्रथम, सवाई जयसिंह, बीकानेर के महाराजा गंगासिंह 

3. भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में राजस्थान का योगदान एवं राजस्थान का एकीकरण । 

4. विभिन्न राजस्थानी बोलियाँ । 

5. कृषि, पशुपालन एवं व्यावसायिक शब्दावली । 

6. लोक देवी-देवता – प्रमुख संत एवं सम्प्रदाय । 

7. प्रमुख लोक पर्व, त्यौहार, मेले – पशुमेले । 

8. लोक कथा, लोक गीत एवं नृत्य, कहावतें, लोक नाटय, लोक वाद्य एवं कठपुतली कला । 

9. विभिन्न जातियां – जन जातियां । 

10. स्त्री – पुरूषों के वस्त्र एवं आभूषण । 

11. चित्रकारी एवं हस्तशिल्पकला – चित्रकला की विभिन्न शैलियां, भित्ति चित्र, प्रस्तर शिल्प, काष्ठ कला, मृदमाण्ड (मिट्टी) कला, उस्ता कला, हस्त औज़ार, नमदे-गलीचे आदि । 

12. स्थापत्य – दुर्ग, महल, हवेलियां, छतरियां, बावड़ियां, तालाब, मंदिर-मस्जिद आदि । 

13. संस्कार एवं रीति रिवाज । 

14. धार्मिक, ऐतिहासिक एवं पर्यट न स्थल । 





Agro-climatology-elements and effect on plant growth, weather abnormalities and protective measures, Elements of crop production, classification of crops, farming systems. Tillage, Soil erosion, soil and water conservation. Soil productivity fertility and management of problematic soils, Soils organic matter, organic manures, fertilizers and their use efficiency. Irrigation – role of water responses, quality of water and water pollution, water requirements of crops, methods of irrigation, drainage. Concept, scope and problems of dryland agriculture, Problem of weeds and control measures. Seed quality and certification. Agronomy of important crops like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fiber crops, forage crops, sugarcane, sugarbeet, potato, cumin, isabgol etc. 

Objectives and methods of plant breeding, Mendel’s laws of inheritance, heterosis mutations, gene concept, plant water relationship, seed testing, type of seeds, seed production, recommended varieties of important crops of Rajasthan. 

Soil formation and profile development, basis ideas on soil survey and classification, soils of Rajasthan. Physical properties of soils, soil reaction, management of saline, alkaline and acid soils, fixation of phosphorus, potassium and ammonium in soils, essential plant nutrients and their functions, nutrient deficiency & toxicity symptoms, various tests to determine nutrient needs of plants, symbiotic and non- symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Organic manures and bio-fertilizers, chemical composition of FYM, night soil, oil cakes, bone meal, fish manure and common fertilizers. 

Olericulture – Classification of vegetables, nursery, transplantation, seed testing and storage, cultivation practice of cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, chilies, brinjal, carrot, radish, onions, peas, okra, muskmelon, watermelon and sweet potato, ornamental gardening and indoor gardening-lay out care & maintenance, cultivation of Roses. Pomology-layout of orchards, propagation methods, cultivation of mango, citrus, banana, guava, pomegranate, grapes, papaya, ber, phalsa, aonla, date palm, Principles of fruits and vegetable preservation, dehydration, bottling, canning. 

Peculiarities of Indian agriculture, place of agriculture in national economy. Pattern of land utilization, size of holding, prices of agricultural commodities, agricultural marketing, marketing functions and institutions, marketing cost and price spread. Agricultural finance and credit, credit institutions, crop insurance, agricultural development and poverty alleviation programmes. Farm planning and budgeting. 

Philosophy and principles of Extension Education Rural Social Institutions, Caste and Family, Rural Leadership, Teaching – learning Process, Audio-visual aids, teaching methods, programme planning and evaluation, Communication Process. Diffusion theory, history of Extension programmes in India. CD, IRDP, Panchayati Raj, HYVP, ATIC, IVLP, ATMA, NATP, NAIP, DRDA, NREGA, PMRY, KVK, JRY, SGSY, T&V System etc. 

Place of animal husbandry in rural economy, Care and management of new born calf, breeding bull, a cow before & after parturition, heifers, raising calves from 0-6 months, Common infectious & contagious diseases of livestock their prevention & control, Computation of balanced ration, Important Indian & exotic breeds of cow, buffalo, sheep, goad & camel, Breeds of chicks, Housing of cattle and poultry, Forage production & its conservation. 

Common Workshop tools, survey instruments, Bullock drawn implements, tools scope of farm mechanization in India, tools & implements for land leveling, measurement of irrigation water, water lifting devices. 

Data collection, summarization and presentation, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. 

Major diseases (fungal, bacterial, nematode & viral) and insect pest of field, vegetable & fruit crops of Rajasthan and their control measures including biological methods & integrated pest management.





Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has recently Announce about the recruitment Posts of Assistant Forest Conservator & Forest Range Officer. Many Interested & Eligible Candidates Filled there Online Application. 

All Those Candidates who Filled there Application form will give the Exam. The Exam Will be Written Objective Type (Online/Offline). The Exam Date Will be Conducted Soon on the Official website. More Details About the Exam is Provided Below.

Now-a-days Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. So Candidates must know that “What to prepare” and “How to prepare” for the best in their Exams. Now, here we are providing the determined latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Assistant Forest Conservator & Forest Range Officer written Exam.


Selection Process :


  • Written Test
  • Personality and viva-voce examination.


The Exam pattern will be as Follows:


  • The Exam Will be Written Objective Type.
  • The Time Duration of Exam 03 Hours (180 Minutes).


(I) Compulsory subject :





General Knowledge



General English






(II) Optional Subject : Any two subjects out of the following – 200 marks (each)

  1. Agriculture
  2. Botany
  3. Chemistry
  4. Computer Application/Science
  5. Engineering (Agricultural /Chemical /Civil /Computer /Electrical /Electronics/ Mechanical)
  6. Environmental Science
  7. Forestry
  8. Geology
  9. Horticulture
  10. Mathematics
  11. Physics
  12. Statistics
  13. Veterinary Science
  14. Zoology

Note: (Such of the candidate who qualify in the written test shall be required to appear for the personality and viva – voce examination, which carries maximum 75 marks)

Note:- Minimum Qualifying Marks for Compulsory Subject is 35% Marks & 40% Marks for Optional Subject.

Physical Fitness


Height in cms

Chest Girth

Male Candidates

163 Cm

84 Cm Expansion 05 Cm

Female Candidates

150 Cm

Normal 79 Cm Expansion 05 Cm

For Forest Range Officer Grade – I: The following minimum height standards may be allowed in case of candidates belonging to ST and races such as Assamese, Bhutanese, Garhwalies, Gorkhas, Kumaonis, Ladakhese, Mizo, Naga, Nepasese, Sikkimese and those from Arunachal Pradesh, Lahul & Spiti, Meghalaya.

Male candidate: 152 cm

Female candidate: 145 cm

(C) Walking Test:

Male/Female candidates must pass a PET covering a distance of 25/16 kms walk within 4 hours on foot, respectively.





  1. Number system : Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Prime and Composite numbers, Divisibility of numbers, Prime factorization, H.C.M. and L.C.M., Real numbers and their decimal expansions, Operation on real numbers, Laws of exponents for real number, Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic. 
  2. Algebra : Polynomials in one variable, zero’s of a polynomial, Remainder theorem, Factorization of polynomials, Linear equations (in two variables). Quadratic equations, nature of roots, Linear inequalities, Binomial theorem, Finite and infinite sequences, Arithmetic progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic Progression. Permutations, Combinations. Matrix and its properties. Determinants of order two and three, Inverse of a matrix. Solution of simultaneous linear equations of two and three variables. Sets, Relations and functions. 
  3. Trigonometry : Angles and their measurements, Trigonometric ratios of acute angles, Angles and lengths of arc, trigonometric functions, compound multiple angles, solutions of trigonometric equations, inverse trigonometric functions. Properties of triangles, heights and distance. 
  4. Statistics : Mean, Mode, Median, Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles, Measure of dispersion. 
  5. Plane Geometry : Angles and lines at a point, Angles made by a transversal with two lines, classification of triangles on the basis of sides and angles, Rectilinear figures, congruence of triangles, inequalities of triangles, similar triangles, Circles, arcs and angles subtended by them. 
  6. Mensuration : Perimeter and area of plane figures, Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboids, Cone, Cylinder and Sphere. Conversion of solid from one shape to another.






Pattern of question Paper 

1. Objective type paper. 

2. Maximum Marks : 100 

3. Number of Questions : 100 

4. Duration of Paper : Two Hours 

5. There will be Negative Marking 

6. All Questions carry equal marks. 



1. THERMODYNAMICS:  Heat, work and temperature, First and Second and Zeroth law of thermodynamics and their applications, Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, S.I. and C.I. Engines, performance parameters, Properties of steam, Vapour power cycles like Rankine, Modified-Rankine, Reheat and Regenerative cycles, Steam Nozzle, Steam turbine and Gas Turbine. 

2. HEAT TRANSFER:  Steady state one dimensional heat conduction, convection and radiation, Introduction to thermal boundary layer, Heat exchanger, Boiling and condensation, Boilers, its mountings and accessories. 

3. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING:  Transmission System – Clutch, Gear-box, Propeller Shaft, Differential, Brakes, Braking system, Steering system, Air pollution by Automobile Engines and its controls, Suspension system, Aerodynamic design of vehicle body, various safety features, Fuel System. 

4. FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINES:  Basic definitions and fluid properties, Continuity equation, Bernoulli’s theorem, Flow through pipes, Laminar and Turbulent flow, Application of momentum equation, Measurement of flow by Venturimeter ,V-notch and Pitot tube, Dimensional analysis. 

Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbine, their construction, performance and characteristics, Axial, Centrifugal and Reciprocating compressors and pumps, Cavitation in pumps. 

5. MECHANICS OF SOLIDS:  Simple stress and strain, Hooke’s law, Bending moment and Shear force diagram, Bending and shearing stresses, Column and Struts, Torque and Torsion, machine members subjected to combined loading, Deflection of beams, Theories of failure, Principal stresses and planes. 

6. MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY:  Elastic and Plastic deformation of metal and alloys, Work Hardening, Creep, Fatigue and Fracture. Phase and Phase equilibrium diagrams, Heat treatment processes, Engineering materials. 

7. THEORY OF MACHINE:  Kinematics, Quadratic chain and Slider-crank mechanisms and their inversions, Friction, Power transmission- belt, rope, chain, Gear Drives, Primary and Secondary Balancing, Whirling of shaft. Free and Forced Vibration, Cams, Brakes and dynamometers, Governors, Gyroscope, Various types of bearings. 

8. MACHINE DESIGN:  Design of machine elements subjected to direct stress, Design of members subjected to bending, torsion like beam, spring, laminated spring. Design of Curved Beams. Design of shaft, Coupling, Gear, thick and thin cylinder. 

9. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING:  Foundry – Patterns and their allowances, moulding sand and its properties, moulding and casting methods, Welding techniques – types, equipment and applications, Metal forming – Rolling, Forging, Extrusion and Drawing, Principles of metal cutting, Various cutting tools, Tool wear and tool life, Jigs and Fixtures, Economics of machining, Various types of machine tools. Standards of measurements, Limits, Fits and Tolerances, Linear and Angular measurements. Numerical control machine tools, CAM, FMS, CIMS, Newer machining methods. 

10. INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS:  Measurements: Accuracy, Sensibility, Uncertainty, Precision, Repeatability, Errors and their Classifications in measurements. Transducers. Measurement of Pressure, Temperature and Flow. 

11. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING:  Business forms and organization, Financial Statements – Balance sheet, Profit and loss, Depreciation. Principles of Scientific management, Work-Study, Ergonomics. Maintenance policies and Replacement Theory. CPM and PERT. 

12. OPERATION RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT:  Linear programming, Assignment, Transportation, Game Theory, Statistical quality control, Inventory control, Forecasting, Aggregate planning, MRP, MRP-II, Scheduling. Break – Even analysis, make v/s buy decision. 







The Competitive Examination will be held in two successive stages:- 

(i) Preliminary Examination

(ii) Main Examination 

(i) Preliminary Examination : 

The preliminary Examination will consist of two papers, i.e. one compulsory paper and one optional paper, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 400 marks in the subjects mentioned in Section ‘A and B’. 

The Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. 

The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. 

The number of candidates to be admitted to the main Examination will be 15 times the total approximate number of vacancies (category wise) to be filled in the year in the various Services and Posts, but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same percentage of marks as may be fixed by the Commission for any lower range will be admitted to the Main Examination. 


General knowledge & General Science including General knowledge of Rajasthan its Geography, Economy and culture


2 hours 


S.No.  Name of Optional Paper  Max. Marks  Time
1.  Civil Engineering 200  2 hours 
2.  Electrical Engineering  200  2 hours 
3.  Mechanical Engineering  200  2 hours 
4.  Agricultural Engineering  200  2 hours 

(ii) Main examination: – The written examination will consist of the following papers which will be conventional type. A candidate must take all the compulsory subjects and any one of the optional subjects listed below. Each of the optional subject will have two papers. The time allowed for each paper shall be three hours. 


Compulsory Subject  Maximum Marks 
Paper – I  Hindi  100
Paper – II  Social aspects of Engineering  100


Optional Subject  Maximum Marks 

Paper – III and Paper – IV 
(Any one subject to opted by a candidate from the following list of optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers) 


List of optional subjects:- 

1. Civil Engineering 

2. Electrical Engineering 

3. Mechanical Engineering 

4. Agricultural Engineering 


(i) Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written test of the Main examination as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion shall be summoned by them for interview. 

Provided that no candidate who fails to obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each of the two compulsory papers and a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate shall be called by the Commission for interview which carries 72 marks. 

(ii) The Commission shall award marks to each candidates interviewed by them. In interviewing the candidates besides awarding marks in respect of character, personality, address and physique, marks shall also be awarded for the candidate’s knowledge of Rajasthani culture. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test or the main examination by each such candidate. 

(iii) The standard of the papers will be that of Bachelor’s Degree level except paper on Hindi which will be of Senior Secondary Level. 

(iv) All papers unless specifically required shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so. 

(v) If a candidate’s hand-writing is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him. 

(vi) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of the examination. 

(vii) It is obligatory for a candidate to appear in all the compulsory papers and in optional papers. 

Note – 1 : The Commission shall not recommend any candidate for the State Engineering Services, 

who has failed to obtain a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. Note – 2 :The Commission shall, in case of Woman Candidates, candidates belonging to the Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, or the Scheduled Tribes recommend the names of such candidates upto the number of vacancies reserved for them from amongst those who have qualified for interview, even if they fail to obtain the aggregate marks prescribed under Note – 1. 


Preliminary Examination 

Compulsory Paper 

Paper – General Knowledge and General Science including General Knowledge of Rajasthan – its Geography, Economy and culture: 

1. Current affairs:- Current events of State, National and International importance. National & International agencies and their activities. Games & Sports at State, National and International levels. 

2. History & Culture:- LandMarks in the political and cultural history of India. Major monuments and literary works. Renaissance, struggle for freedom and national integration. History & Culture of Rajasthan with special reference to:- 

(a) The medieval background. 

(b) Socio-economic life and organisation. 

(c) Freedom movement and political awakening. 

(d) Political integration. 

(e) Dialects and Literature. 

(f) Music, Dance & theatre. 

(g) Religious beliefs, cults, saints, poets, Warrior-saints, Lok Devtas & Lok Deviyan. 

(h) Handicrafts. 

(i) Fairs and Festivals, Customs, Dresses, Ornaments with special reference to Folk & tribal aspects thereof. 

3. General Science: – General Science will cover General appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observations and experiences. Candidates are supposed to be familiar with matters such as electronics tele-communications, Satellites and elements of computers (both Hard & Soft Wares), research labs including CSIR managed national labs and institutes. Environment & pollution etc. 

4. Economic Developments with special reference to Rajasthan:- Food and Commercial Crops of Rajasthan, Agriculture based Industries, Major irrigation and River Valley Projects, Projects for the development of the desert and waste lands. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, growth and location of industries, Industrial raw materials. Mineral based industries, Small scale and Cottage industries, export items Rajasthani handicrafts, Tribes and their economy. Cooperative movement. Tourism Development in Rajasthan. Various five years Plans: Objectives and progress. Major economic problems of Rajasthan and obstacles for economic development. Current budget of Rajasthan and Central Government. Economic Reforms in India and their impact. Commercial banks and other financial institutions in Rajasthan. 

5. Geography and Natural Resources:- 

(I) Broad – physical features of the world important places, rivers, mountains, continents, 

oceans. (II) Ecology and wild – life of India. (III) Rajasthan’s Physiography: Climate, vegetation and soil regions. Broad physical divisions of Rajasthan. Human resources: problems of population, unemployment, poverty, Drought, famine and desertification in Rajasthan. Natural resources of Rajasthan. Mines and Minerals, forests, Land water. Animals’ resources. Wild-life and conservation. Energy problems and conventional and non-conventional sources of Energy. 

Optional Paper (Preliminary Examination) 



Selection of site for the construction of various types of buildings: Planning and orientation of buildings. Bonds in masonry. Damp proof course. Scaffolding, underpinning and ranking. Floors. Staircases. Roofs. Doors and Windows. Requirements of fire protection. Ventilation and air conditioning and acoustics. Building and highway materials and their IS codal provisions. Stones, Bricks, timber, Lime, Cement, Mortar, Plain and reinforced Cement Concrete, Bitumen, Asphalt. 


Generally adopted Scales, Chain and Compass surveying ; Leveling ; temporary and permanent adjustments of levels and Theodolite. Use of Theodolite, tacheometry, Trigonometrical and Triangulation survey. Traversing and Traverse Adjustment, Contours and contouring, Simple Circular Compound and Transition Curves and their setting out, Theory of errors and survey adjustment. Computations of areas and volumes. 


Classification of soil as per I.S. code, Field identification tests for soils; water content, specific gravity, voids ratio, porosity, degree saturation; unit weight, density index etc; and their inter – relationship, determinations of various properties of soils as noted above as well as grain size distribution, consistency limits etc. 

Soil permeability and its determination in the laboratory and field; Darcy’s law, Flow nets, its Characteristics and uses. 

Compaction and consolidation of soil. Quality control, soil stabilization methods. Boussinesq’s methods. Newmark’s chart and its uses. 

Shear strength parameters and their determination Bearing capacity, local and general shear failures, design Criteria for shallow foundation, Plate load test and standard penetration test. Earth pressures on retaining wall. Stability of simple slopes. Significant depth of exploration, design features of undisturbed sampler. 


Stress and strains, elastic constants, factor of safety, relation among elastic constants. Bending moment and shear force diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging, fixed and continuous beams subjected to static loads :- concentrated, uniformly distributed and uniformly varying. Theory of simple bending. Shear Stress, Influence lines. Deflection of cantilever, simply supported fixed and continuous beams. Determinate and Indeterminate structures and frames pin jointed, Plane and space frames. 


Design of ordinary and plate girder beams, roof trusses welded joints, axially and eccentrically loaded columns, Grillage, Gusseted and slab base foundations. Provisions of IS : 800 and 875. Economic span of bridges. 


Provisions of latest IS : 456, design of beams singly and doubly reinforced, design of shear reinforcement. Design of slabs spanning in two directions and T-beam slabs. Design of column axially and uniaxially eccentrically loaded. Design of isolated and combined column footings : Design of simple RCC cantilever and counterfort retaining walls. Reinforcement in overhead and underground water tanks. 


Hydraulic pressure at a point and its measurement. total pressure and centre of pressure on plane and curved immersed surfaces, Buoyancy. conditions of equilibrium of floating bodies; fluid flow conditions, Bernoulli’s, Navier-Stokes, Reynold’s equations, flow through orifices venturimeter, notches and weirs, flow through pipes and open channels, Gradually and rapidly varied flow, Dimensional analysis, Momentum and angular momentum principles as applied to fluid in a control volume, applications of jets, Viscous flow, concept of drag, flow through pipes. 

Engineering hydrology; Hydrology of floods and drought reservoirs and dams; overflow structures, ground water hydrology. Irrigation: canals, Kennedy’s Lacey’s theories, Khosla’s theories for design of hydraulic structures. Groundwater and well irrigation, water logging. 


Per capita requirement of water for urban and rural areas, Forecast of population. Sources. Water supply standards of purity of public water supplies with various methods of purification; House drainage system Distribution network with all the ancillaries: drainage system of drainage. Layout of sewerage systems. Primary, secondary treatments, trickling filters, lagoons and other treatment units and their design criteria. Flushing of sewers; sewage treatment; rural water supply and sanitation. 


Principles of highway planning; classification of road land width, building line, center line, formation width, terrain classification, pavement width, Camber, longitudinal gradient sight distance, horizontal curve, super elevation, vertical curve, lateral and vertical clearances. 

Flexible pavements. Sub-base, base course and shoulder stone / Kankar brick soling, WBM courses, shoulders. Granular sub-base, stabilized soil roads cement / lime stabilized sub base, sand bitumen base course, crushed cement concrete base/sub-base course. 

Prime and tack coats, surface dressing, open graded premix carpet, semi dense carpet, build-up spray grout base course, bituminous base binder course. Asphaltic concrete, seal coats, mixed seal surfacing. Penetration macadam base/binder course, full and semi groups. 

Traffic Engineering : traffic characteristics, road user characteristics, vehicular characteristics, volume, speed and delay studies origin and destination study, traffic flow characteristics, traffic capacity and parking studies, traffic regulation, traffic control devices, Intersection control. Alignment: traffic engineering, pavem design, paving materials and highway construction and maintenance of different types of roads. Need for highway drainage and arboriculture, types of bridges: choice of type of bridge, economical considerations of fixing spans culverts. 


1. Electrical Circuits: Circuit components, KCL and KVL, network graphs, Methods of circuit analysis, Nodal and Mesh analysis, Analysis of D.C. and A.C. networks. Network theorems: Basic network theorems and applications. Network Functions: Driving point and transfer functions, poles and zeros of network functions. Response of networks to standard input signals. Two-port networks, Elementary network synthesis, different type of network parameters, signal flow graphs, Fourier series, Laplace transforms and their applications. Frequency response, Resonant circuits and applications. Three Phase balanced and unbalanced networks. Steady state response with sinusoidal input. Transient response: Transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuits. 

2. Field Theory: Electrostatic and Magnetostatics : Electrostatics and electrical fields, Magnetostatics and magnetic fields, Field in conductors and in magnetic materials, field in dielectrics, Maxwell’s equations and time varying fields. Electromagnetic wave equations. Plane wave propagation in conducting and dielectric media. 

3. Electrical Materials: Classification of materials on the basis of permanent magnetic dipoles, Electrical and electronic behaviour of materials, classification on the basis of conductivity. Behaviour of dielectrics in static and alternating fields. Phenomenon of polarization. Super conductivity. Applications of magnetic, conducting, dielectric and insulating materials. 

4. Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation: General principles of measurement : Unit and dimensions. Standards error analysis, Basic methods of measurement, Measurement of circuit parameters by bridge methods. Measuring Instrument: Indicating Instruments, Integrating Instruments, Recording instruments. Measurement of voltage, current, power, power factor, energy, resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency. 

Transducers : strain gauges, LVDT, resistance thermometers, thermistors, piezoelectric. Measurement of non-electrical quantities (Pressure, temperature, flow rate, displacement, velocity, acceleration, strain, etc.) Digital measurements: Digital voltmeters, frequency counter, distortion meter. Telemetry and data transmission: Data recording and display, Data acquisition. 

5. Electronics and Communication: Solid state (semiconductor devices) : Diodes, Zener diodes. Transistors (Bipolar, BJT, JFET, MOSFET). Biasing and their applications. Analysis of electronic circuits, equivalent circuit. Rectifier, filter and voltage regulators. Single stage and multistage amplifiers-gain and frequency response. Multivibrators, flip-flops and their applications. 

Digital Electronics: Switching circuits and Boolean algebra and logic gates. Memories sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters. Logic circuits including DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS, digital IC’s (circuits). Communication: generation and detection of AM and FM noise behaviour of AM and FM systems. 

6. Microprocessor systems and computer: Microprocessor architectures, Instruction set and simple assembly language programming, interfacing memory and I/O devices. Applications of microprocessors. Basic layout of digital computers, input-output devices, memory organisations, algorithms, flowcharts. 

7. Power Electronics: Power semiconductor devices, Thyristor, triac, GTO, MOSFET. Static characteristics and triggering circuits. A.C. to D.C. Converters, choppers. Controlled and uncontrolled power rectifiers, Bridge converters. 

8. Control System: Open and closed loop systems. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Response analysis time domain, frequency domain; steady state error analysis. Root locus technique, bode plots, Routh-Hurwitz, and Nyquist criteria of stability. State space analysis of linear systems. 

9. Electrical Machines: Construction, Principles of operation, equivalent circuits, basic characteristics and applications of Distribution and Power transformers. Single phase induction motors. Three- phase induction motors. Alternators, Synchronous motors. 

10. Power systems: Generation: thermal generation, Hydro generation, Nuclear Generation. Non- conventional energy sources. Transmission and Distribution. Transmission line parameters – resistance, Inductance and capacitance calculation, Performance of short, medium and long lines. Neutral earthing. Underground Cables. Corona, its effect and remedial measures. Basic idea of power system stability. Line insulators, introduction to HVDC transmission. 

Switchgear & protection: theories of arc extinction. Comparative merits of minimum oil, bulk oil, air blast, SF6 circuit breakers. Causes and consequences of dangerous currents. Current limiting reactors. Busbar arrangements. Requirements of protective relays. Protection of lines, transformers, synchronous generators and busbars. Symmetrical components and their applications. 


1. Theory of Machines: Kinematic pairs, Kinematic chain, Mechanism and Inversion, Slider-crank chain, Displacement, velocity and acceleration of a point in mechanism and their determination, Coriolis acceleration, Mechanisms for straight line motion. Laws of friction, brakes and dynamometers, types of gears and gear trains. Types of Governors, Governor effort and power, static & dynamic balancing, Longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibration. 

2. Strength of Materials: Static stresses in machine parts, Deformation, Unit deformation (Strain), Poisson’s ratio, direct stress, shear stress, principal stresses. Compound stresses, torsional stress, stress – strain relationship, bending moment and shear force diagram for beams, Laminated and coil springs, shafts, thick & thin wall pressure vessels, Concept of fatigue, fracture & creep. 

3. Material Science: Crystal structure, space lattice, crystalline and amorphous solids, Coordination number, Atomic packing factor, determination of crystal structure, imperfections in crystals, mechanism of plastic deformation, work hardening, recrystallization, Heat treatment of steel, Composition, Properties and applications, Common engineering materials, corrosion, Plastics & their properties. 

4. Manufacturing Processes: Moulding and casting methods, Principle of arc and gas welding, Brazing & soldering, Metal forming processes, Basic machining processes and machine tools, Hot & cold working of metals, Mechanism of metal cutting, geometry of single point cutting tool and tool materials. 

5. Industrial Engineering and Management : Types of business organization, Principles of management, elements of management, organization charts, elements of costing, Break even analysis, types of budget and budgetary control, Profit & Loss account, balance sheet, motion study, time study, plant layout, material handling, CPM, PERT, Scheduling, dispatching, routing and inventory, Materials management. 

6. Thermodynamics: Basic concepts of thermodynamics, Laws of thermodynamics and their application to different flow and non-flow systems, Gas power cycles and vapour power cycles. 

7. Heat transfer : Conduction, convection and radiation phenomenon, Combined modes of heat transfer, Critical insulation, Fins, Non-dimensional numbers applied to heat transfer, Thermal boundary layer, Introduction to two phase heat transfer, Heat exchangers. 

8. Environmental Engineering : Basic air and refrigeration cycles, Vapour compression refrigeration, Vapour absorption refrigeration, Expansion devices, Refrigerants and their properties, Psychrometric chart and psychrometric processes, Air conditioning for human comfort and comfort chart, Cooling load calculation. 

9. Fluid Mechanics and turbomachines : Fluids and their properties, Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow, dimensional analysis and similitude, Introduction to boundary layer flow, fluid flow through pipes, Flow measurements, Hydraulic pumps and turbines, Air compressors, Gas turbines and steam turbines. 

10. Power Generation : SI and CI engines, Combustion phenomenon, Fuels, carburetor and injection system, High pressure modern boilers, Stream plant layout and different accessories, Hydro power plant layout, Introduction to nuclear, MHD and biogas power plants, Economics and sharing of load techniques of different plants. 


1. Surveying, Leveling and Land Development :- Linear Measurements, different surveying devices and methods, land grading and leveling, contouring and terracing, earth work estimation, land development budgeting. 

2. Soil and Water Conservation: – Precipitation, hydrologic cycle, point rainfall analysis, frequency analysis. Watershed : definition and concept, agricultural watersheds, prediction of peak runoff, factors affecting runoff hydrograph, concepts of unit and instantaneous hydrographs. Erosion-type and factors associated with erosion, assessment of actual annual soil loss by erosion and its impact on agricultural production and productivity. Erosion control measures on various classes of lands i.e. contour cultivation, strip cropping, terracing, afforestation, pastures etc. Role of vegetation in soil and water conservation, grassed water way and design. Design of gully control measures including permanent structures i.e. chute spillway, drop spillway, drop inlet spillway, retards and stream bank erosion mechanics of wind and water erosion, wind erosion control, water harvesting structures i.e. Khadin, Tanka, Nadi and Anicut. 

3. Irrigation – Soil-Water- Plant relationship, water requirements of different crops and irrigation scheduling, direct and indirect methods of soil moisture measurements, measurements of irrigation water. Water conveyance and control, design of field channels. Design of irrigation methods, irrigation efficiencies. Drainage : Benefits of drainage, Surface drainage, drainage of flat and sloping lands. Design and layout of surface and subsurface drains, depth and spacing of drains and drainage outlets, installation of drains and drainage wells. Pumps :- Construction and performance characteristics, selection, installation, working principle and maintenance of reciprocating pump, centrifugal pump, turbine pump, submersible Pump, propellers, jet and air lift pumps. Water Resources Development and Management: Water resources of India, surface water, ground water, development of irrigation potential, canal irrigation, command area development, on farm development works, aquifer parameters, hydraulics of wells, steady and unsteady flow, well log, construction of wells, well development. 

4. Farm Power and Machinery – Classification of Internal combustion (IC) engines terminology, Otto diesel cycle, engine components, Fuel supply system, Lubrication system, Cooling system and Governing system, steering system, hydraulic system. Types of tractors, brakes, power transmission system. Traction theory and mechanics of tractor chassis and selection of tractors. Farm Machinery : Tillage, primary and secondary tillage equipment, Selection of sowing and planting equipment and their calibration, Selection and calibration of sprayers and dusters. Principles, selection and operation of harvesting and threshing machinery. Cost analysis of farm equipment and related numerical problems. 

5. Agricultural Processing : Various size reduction machinery and material handling equipment. Separation equipment-based on size shape and surface characteristics. Heating and Cooling of food products, mode of heat transfer and types of heat exchangers. Psychrometric chart and its application in drying EMC and its determination, Principles of drying and drying equipment, types of evaporators, Refrigeration load calculation, various milling process for Rice, Maize, Wheat and Pulse milling, Parboiling of wheat and paddy. Grain storage structures and their design requirements. Principles of food preservation and thermal processing. 

6. Farm electrification and rural housing :- Selection, Installation and general cares of electric motors on farms, selection of wire sizes based on Indian standards. Types of wiring, rural electrification programme. Rural Housing :- Building materials and their properties, Design of Beams, Slabs, Columns and foundations, Planning and design of rural houses, farm Roads, village drainage system, waste disposal and sanitary structures, material and cost estimation in construction. 

7. Renewable Energy : Solar Radiation – its measurement, solar thermal devices and gadgets i.e. solar cooper, solar water heater, solar dryer, solar refrigeration and air conditioner etc. Solar photovoltaic devices, Bio energy – production, conversion and utilization route, Biogas – type of biogas plant and design of Biogas Plant. Biomass gasification and gasifier wind energy conversion process i.e., water pumping, windmills and aero generator.






The Rajasthan PSC Fisheries Development Officers Exam Pattern 2019 tabulated below. Rajasthan FDO Written Exam consists of two papers Paper I and Paper II.

PART – A : Written (Objective type) Examination
Paper-I General Studies & Mental Ability 150 Marks 150 Minutes 150 Questions
Paper-II Subjects (Common for all candidates) 300 Marks 150 Minutes 150 Questions
PART- B : Interview 50 Marks    

Pattern of Question Paper 

1. Objective type paper 

2. Maximum Marks : 100 

3. Number of Questions : 100 

4. Duration of Paper : Two Hours 

5. All questions carry equal marks. 

6. There will be Negative Marking.


The syllabus of Fisheries Development Officers Exam will be show below with topic:

1. Taxonomy and diagnostic external characters of the freshwater food fish and shellfish. Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo calbasu, L. bata, Mystus seenghala, M. aor, Tor khudri, Oreochromis mossambicus, O. niloticus, Wallago attu, Ompok pabda, Notopterus notopterus, Notopterus chitala, Channa marulius, C. striatus, Mastacembelus armatus, Freshwater Prawn, Shrimp, L.vannamei. 

2. Biology of Indian Major Carps (IMC). 

3. Selection and Identification of I.M.C. brooders, Induced breeding, Synthetic hormones. 

4. Different types of fish hatcheries and their management. 

5. Counting method of spawn, care of spawn, fry and fingerlings and identification of freshwater culturable fishes. 

6. Transportation of live fish and fish seed, management, problems and remedies. 

7. Soil and water quality management for aquaculture. 

8. Different types of farm ponds and their characteristics. Basics of fish farm design and construction. 

9. Types of different natural and supplementary feeds, feeding rate and methods. 

10. Bacterial, Fungal, Ectoparasitic and Endoparasitic diseases and their treatments. 

11. Common ornamental fishes and maintenance of aquaria, their accessories. 

12. Biology and culture of freshwater prawn & Shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, L.vannamei). 

13. Role of Phyto and Zooplanktons in pond ecosystem. 

14. Common floating, submerged and emergent aquatic plants of pond ecosystem. 

15. Dominant aquatic insects, aquatic weeds, Predatory fishes and their control. 

16. Handling of freshwater fishes and different preservation methods for marketing. 

17. Common Freshwater fishing Crafts and Gears used in Rajasthan and  their material and maintenance. 18. Major Freshwater resources for fish culture in Rajasthan. 

19. Salient features of Rajasthan fisheries act 1953 and Rajasthan fisheries rules, 1958. 

20. Recent advances in aquaculture: Cage and Pen culture.  



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