Technology in Classroom – A Boon or A Bane




Incorporating technology in schools for computer instructional learning is a giant leap the world has taken in building a futuristic-driven learning environment. Now we cannot imagine our life without technology. 

One of the main benefits of technology is its establishment in the education department. Many people see technology as a disadvantage in terms of health, detachment from reality, and laziness. While others believe technology is in much need for the budding minds of tomorrow.

Read on to know how technology has stormed the classrooms and how it affects the students!



To say development is an infinite ladder will be an understatement. The world 20 years ago was much different than the world we breathe in presently. All credited to the birth of modern technology.

Long are gone the days when people need to stick to the telephone for one call. With the invention of mobile phones and the internet, the ease of communication has upgraded. Not just for calling, but mobiles have also become a source of transmitting quality education – insert online learning. The need for technology has increased through the years, and will probably hope for more. But the perennial tug-of-war between technology believers and technology haters will be there.



1) Easy and Creative Approach to Learning

After the initial installation of programs, modern technology is easily accessible to teachers and students. Apart from the conventional blackboard-chalk method, teachers can now switch to smartboards that function with a touch. It has all the features – animations, videos, picture perception, games, etc.

2) Immense Engagement with Peers

With modern technology, interactions are not limited to lunch breaks and period breaks. It has extrapolated to online platforms as well. Access to the internet has broadened the horizons of e-learning by introducing video calls, social media presence, online forums, gamified learning, etc. where classmates can meet and socialize. It lets them collaborate for future projects.

3) Perennial Learning Environment

In the traditional classroom, students get agitated with the repetitive theme of the “teaching-nodding” manner. On the other hand, with the help of technology, teachers can now teach lectures in a synergistic, interesting, and engaging way. For instance, organizing creative writing sessions, interactive videos, animations, quizzes, gamified learning, among others.

4) Teachers Have Credibility

As for teaching faculty, the introduction of technology is an advantage. It becomes easier to resolve doubts with playful easily-understandable visuals. Smartboards are useful in explaining different concepts. So are accessible tablets through which students can concurrently read/write/listen to the teacher’s instructions. 

5) Life Skill Enhancement

Through creative methods, teachers try to instill valuable life skills in learning. Faster grasp of the subject, decision making, leadership, initiative, critical thinking, collaboration with peers, technical skills (PPT, Word docs, Cloud Storage, Emails), problem-solving approach, among other life-inspiring skills, are leaned in classrooms in the presence of technology.

6) Prepare for future

We are all aware that technology in schools is just the beginning of a revolution in the face of learning and growing. Since it is the future of the current generation, it is pertinent to get accustomed to technology in the learning period. Moreover, students also get a taste of the outside world through frequent digital projects using technical knowledge.

7) Encyclopedia of Knowledge from All Sectors of Education

Having access to a plethora of content from across the world at your fingertips gives you a feeling of power. Students and teachers have unlimited access to significant materials. Resources pertaining to a specific subject or topic are readily available in school e-library and other authentic online sites that come in handy while preparing for exams.

8) Access to Valuable Updated Information

As compared to traditional brick-and-mortar institutes with an outdated syllabus, technology allows students to stay updated on the latest trends, reforms, and research. It dissolves queries almost immediately as a digital update happens instantaneously. 

9) Individual-Oriented Learning

The best thing about learning with technology is that it is student-centered, irrespective of the pace of learning or grasping power. It removes the weight on teachers to attend to each student as with the help of technology, he/she can monitor each student’s progress simultaneously. Teachers appreciate and promote creativity, innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking. It also enables the student to study independently.


1) Highly Distractive for Students

Suppose you are surfing an example teacher asked you to. A message pops up on the screen from your friend. Will you give in to the temptation to reply? Most probably. Furthermore, with hidden apps installed on your tablet/mobile, you might as well play games, respond to texts, visit sites, read gossips, and whatnot! These distractions can get you in trouble – both in class and in academics.

2) Assignment/Project/Examination Dishonesty 

Since most of the information is derived from the internet, students often plagiarize assignments, projects, researches, and homework from unkempt websites. Even with strict exam tools and programs, students manage to cheat in the examination, either by over-riding it or passing answers in group chats. 

3) Not Affordable by All

Technology is straightforward expensive for people residing in the not much-developed area. In a way, technological instrument installation may take some amount of money, but most of the time, the validity is manageable for years. It lasts for quite some years. In rural areas, not everyone can afford computers, tablets, and smartphones, hence it places them at a severe disadvantage.

4) Leads to Complex Health Issues

For students studying on tablets, laptops, or computers, the leaning back posture for an abnormal period can cause an ache. Moreover, the uneven exposure to blue light from these gadgets affects the student’s eyesight at a greater rate, often causing temporary and sometimes, irreparable damage. Improper adherence to the screen for a long time can also obstruct body posture.

5) Socialization Issues

When everything happens virtually, there is little to no time spent with classmates except a few text/video exchanges. During in-class smart teaching, the students are keenly indulged in their tablet screens; there is rarely any meaningful interaction between them. 

6) Being served on a silver platter

Evidently, today’s generation has become mindlessly dependent on technology for every simple need. Though elaborating a concept on a smartboard and revisions saves time and presumably – energy, it makes students sluggish and procrastinates learning. It fosters a misconception that students can educate themselves at home without assistance, thus ignores the classroom taught material.

7) More often than not – Technical Problems

Technical errors can occur in any device. Smartboards and tablets are no different. At times, glitches and hanging of site/app/tool happen that hampers the learning. It creates disinterest in the students and distracts them from grasping the concept. It might meddle with studying. More so, it may take days to fix the issue.


You can admire all that technology has offered in making learning fun and an entertaining experience, but neglecting the ill-effects of technology on the young generation can bite you in the future. While in one part, it instantly resolves curious student’s doubts, on the other, it blocks you from socializing with peers (as you get deeply involved in the AI). Technology is the future of education. Its judicial, informative, and unselfish consumption can benefit plenty in the learning domain – to educators as well as learners. However, the development of technology and its advertent use in the coming years is dependent on its educated utilization.

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