Maths 10th Previous Year Question Paper 2015 (CBSE)



Section – A

Q.1. If the quadratic equation px2– 2√5px + 15 = 0 has two equal roots, then find the value of p.

Answer. The given quadratic equation can be written as px2– 2√5px + 15 = 0

a = p, b = -2√5p, c = 15

For equal roots, D = 0

D = b2 – 4ac

0 = (– 2√5p)2 – 4 ×p × 15

0 = 4 ×5p2 – 60p

0 = 20p2 – 60p

p = 60p / 20p = 3 

∴ p = 3


Q.2. In Figure 1, a tower AB is 20 m high and BC, its shadow on the ground, is 20-√3 m long. Find the Sun’s altitude.





Q.3. Two different dices are tossed together. Find the probability that the product of the two numbers on the top of the dice is 6.

Answer. Total outcomes = 6n = 62 = 36

Possible outcomes having the product of the two numbers on the top of the dice as 6 are (3 × 2, 2 × 3, 6 × 1, 1 × 6), i.e., 4

P(Product of two numbers is 6) = 4/36 = 1/9 

Q.4. In Figure 2, PQ is a chord of a circle with centre O and PT is a tangent. If ∠QPT = 60°, find ∠PRQ.




Section – B

Q.5. In Figure 3, two tangents RQ and RP are drawn from an external point R to the circle with centre O. If ∠PRQ = 120°, then prove that OR = PR + RQ.





Q.6. In Figure 4, a triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe a circle of radius 3 cm, such that the segments BD and DC are respectively of lengths 6 cm and 9 cm. If the area of ∆ABC is 54 cm2, then find the lengths of sides AB and AC.





Q.7. Solve the following quadratic equation for x: 4x2 + 4bx -(a2 – b2) = 0




Q.8. In an AP, if S5+ S7 = 167 and S10 = 235, then find the AP, where Sn denotes the sum of its first n terms.




Q.9. The points A(4,7), B(p,3) and C(7,3) are the vertices of a right triangle, right-angled at B. Find the value of p.




Q.10. Find the relation between x and y if the points A(x, y), B(-5, 7) and C(-4, 5) are collinear.



Section – C

Q.11. The 14th term of an AP is twice its 8th term. If its 6th term is -8, then find the sum of its first 20 terms.




Q.12. Solve for x: cbse-previous-year-question-papers-class-10-maths-sa2-outside-delhi-2015-6




Q.13. The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point A on the ground is 60°. After a flight of 15 seconds, the angle of elevation changes to 30°. If the aeroplane is flying at a constant height of 1500 √3 m, find the speed of the plane in km/hr.




Q.14. If the coordinates of points A and B are (-2, -2) and (2, -4) respectively, find the coordinates of P such that AP = 3/5 AB, where P lies on the line segment AB.




Q.15. The probability of selecting a red ball at random from a jar that contains only red, blue and orange balls is 1/4. The probability of selecting a blue ball at random from the same jar is 1/3 . If the jar contains 10 orange balls, find the total number of balls in the jar.




Q.16. Find the area of the minor segment of a circle of radius 14 cm, when its central angle is 60°. Also find the area of the corresponding major segment. [Use π = 22/7 ]




Q.17. Due to sudden floods, some welfare associations jointly requested the government to get 100 tents fixed immediately and offered to contribute 50% of the cost. If the lower part of each tent is of the form of a cylinder of diameter 4.2 m and height 4 m with the conical upper part of same diameter but of height 2.8 m, and the canvas to be used costs Rs 100 per sq. m, find the amount, the associations will have to pay. [Use π = 22/7 ] What values are shown by these associations?




Q.18. A hemispherical bowl of internal diameter 36 cm contains liquid. This liquid is filled into 72 cylindrical bottles of diameter 6 cm. Find the height of each bottle, if 10% liquid is wasted in this transfer.




Q.19. A cubical block of side 10 cm is surmounted by a hemisphere. What is the largest diameter that the hemisphere can have? Find the cost of painting the total surface area of the solid so formed, at the rate of Rs 5 per 100 sq. cm. [Use π = 3.14]

Answer. Let the side of cuboidal block (a) = 10cm

Let the  radius of hemisphere be r

Side of cube = Diameter of hemisphere

Largest possible diameter of hemisphere = 10cm



Q.20. 504 cones, each of diameter 3.5 cm and height 3 cm, are melted and recast into a metallic sphere. Find the diameter of the sphere and hence find its surface area. [Use π = 22/7 ]



Section – D

Q.21. The diagonal of a rectangular field is 16 metres more than the shorter side. If the longer side is 14 metres more than the shorter side, then find the lengths of the sides of the field.



Q.22. Find the 60th term of the AP 8,10,12,…, if it has a total of 60 terms and hence find the sum of its last 10 terms.



Q.23. A train travels at a certain average speed for a distance of 54 km and then travels a . distance of 63 km at an average speed of 6 km/h more than the first speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete the total journey, what is its first speed?



Q.24. Prove that the lengths of the tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Answer. Given : Let circle be with centre O and P be a point outside circle PQ and PR are two tangents to circle intersecting at point Q and R respectively

To Prove : Lengths of tangents are equal i.e. PQ = PR

Construction:  Join OQ, OR and OP

Proof: As PQ is a tangent OQ⊥PQ [Tangent at any point of circle is perpendicular to the radius through point of contact]

So, ∠OQP = 90°

Hence ΔOQP is right triangle.


Q.25. Prove that the tangent drawn at the mid-point of an arc of a circle is parallel to the chord joining the end points of the arc.




Q.26. Construct a ∆ABC in which AB = 6 cm, ∠A = 30° and ∠B = 60°. Construct another ∆AB’C’ similar to ∆ABC with base AB’ = 8 cm.




Q.27. At a point A, 20 metres above the level of water in a lake, the angle of elevation of a cloud is 30°. The angle of depression of the reflection of the cloud in the lake, at A is 60°. Find the distance of the cloud from A.




Q.28. A card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled deck of playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is

(i) a card of spade or an ace. (ii) a black king.

(iii) neither a jack nor a king. (iv) either a king or a queen.




Q.29. Find the values of k so. that the area of the triangle with vertices (1, -1), (-4, 2k) and (-k, -5) is 24 sq. units.




Q.30. In Figure 5, PQRS is a square lawn with side PQ = 42 metres. Two circular flower beds are there on the sides PS and QR with centre at O, the intersection of its diagonals. Find the total area of the two flower beds (shaded parts).




Q.31. From each end of a solid metal cylinder, metal was scooped out in hemispherical form of same diameter. The height of the cylinder is 10 cm and its base is of radius 4.2 cm. The rest of the cylinder is melted and converted into a cylindrical wire of 1.4 cm thickness. Find the length of the wire. [Use π = 22/7 ]




Q.10. If A(4, 3), B(-l, y) and C(3, 4) are the vertices of a right triangle ABC, right-angled at A, then find the value of y.



Q.18. All the vertices of a rhombus lie on a circle. Find the area of the rhombus, if the area of the circle is 1256 cm2. [Use π= 3.14]



Q.19. Solve for x:cbse-previous-year-question-papers-class-10-maths-sa2-outside-delhi-2015-8



Q.20. The 16th term of an AP is five times its third term. If its 10th term is 41, then find the sum of its first fifteen terms.



Q.28. A bus travels at a certain average speed for a distance of 75 km and then travels a distance of 90 km at an average speed of 10 km/h more than the first speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete the total journey, find its first speed.



Q.29. Prove that the tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the I point of contact.

Answer. Given : Let circle be with centre O and P be a point outside circle PQ and PR are two tangents to circle intersecting at point Q and R respectively

To Prove : Lengths of tangents are equal i.e. PQ = PR

Construction:  Join OQ, OR and OP

Proof: As PQ is a tangent OQ⊥PQ [Tangent at any point of circle is perpendicular to the radius through point of contact]

So, ∠OQP = 90°

Hence ΔOQP is right triangle

Q.30. Construct a right triangle ABC with AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and ∠B = 90°. Draw BD, the perpendicular from B on AC. Draw the circle through B, C and D and construct the tangents from A to this circle.



Q.31. Find the values of k so that the area of the triangle with vertices (k + 1, 1), (4, -3) and (7, -k) is 6 sq. units.

Answer.A(k + 1, 1), B(4, -3) and C(7, -k)

Area of ΔABC = ½ [x1 (y2y3) + x2 (y3y1) + x3 (y1y2)]

6 = ½ [(k+1)(-3 + k) + 4(-k-1) + 7(1+3)]

12 = [-3k + k2 -3 + k-4k-4 + 28]

12 = [ k2 -6k + 21]

⇒  k2 -6k + 21-12    ⇒  k2 -6k + 9

⇒ k2 -3k -3k + 9      ⇒ k(k-3)-3(k-3) = 0

⇒ k-3 = 0 ⇒ k-3 = 0

⇒ k = 3 ⇒ k = 3

Solving get k = 3


Q.10. Solve the following quadratic equation for x:  x2 – 2ax – (4b2 – a2) = 0



Q.18. The 13th term of an AP is four times its 3rd term. If its fifth term is 16, then find the sum of its first ten terms.



Q.19. Find the coordinates of a point P on the line segment joining A(1, 2) and B(6, 7) such that AP=2/5 AB.



Q.20. A bag contains, white, black and red balls only. A ball is drawn at random from the bag. If the probability of getting a white ball is 3/10 and that of a black ball is 2/5, then find the probability of getting a red ball. If the bag contains 20 black balls, then find the total number of balls in the bag.



Q.28. A truck covers a distance of 150 km at a certain average speed and then covers another 200 km at an average speed which is 20 km per hour more than the first speed. If the truck covers the total distance in 5 hours, find the first speed of the truck.



Q .29. Arithmetic Progressions, 12,19,… has 50 terms. Find its last term. Hence find the sum of its last 15 terms.



Q.30. Construct a triangle ABC in which AB = 5 cm, BC = 6 cm and ∠ABC = 60°. Now construct another triangle whose sides are 5/7 times the corresponding sides of ∆ABC.



Q.31. Find the values of k for which the points A(k + 1, 2k), B(3k, 2k + 3) and C(5k – 1, 5k) are collinear.



Maths 10th Previous Year Question Paper 2016 (CBSE)



Section – A

Q.1. In Fig. 1, PQ is a tangent at a point C to a circle with centre O. If AB is a diameter and ∠CAB = 30°. Find ∠PCA.



∠ACB = 90°            …………..[Angle in the semi-circle

In ΔABC, ∠CAB + ∠ACB + ∠CBA = 180°

30° + 90° + ∠CBA = 180°

∠CBA = 180° – 30° – 90° = 60° [Angle-sum-property of a Δ]

∠PCA = ∠CBA       ………….[Angle in the alternate Segment]

∴ ∠PCA = 60°


Q. 2. For what value of k will k + 9, 2k – 1 and 2k + 7 are the consecutive terms of an A.P.?

Answer. As we know, a2 – a1 = a3 -a2

2k -1-(k+9) = 2k +7 – (2k -1)

2k -1- k – 9 = 2k +7 – 2k + 1

k – 10 = 8 

∴ k = 8 + 10 = 18


Q 3. A ladder, leaning against a wall, makes an angle of 60° with the horizontal. If the foot of the ladder is 2.5 m away from the wall, find the length of the ladder.


Let AC be the ladder

Cos60° = AB/AC

½ = 2.5/AC

∴  Length of ladder, AC = 5cm


Q. 4. A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of getting neither a red card nor a queen.


S = 52

P (neither a red card nor a queen)

= 1 – P(red card or a queen)

= 1- [(26+4-2)/52]  [red cards = 26, Queen = 4, Red queen = 2]

= 1 – 28/52 = 24/52 = 6/13



Q. 5. If -5 is a root of the quadratic equation 2×2+ px – 15 = 0 and the quadratic equation p(x2 + x) + k = 0 has equal roots, find the value of k.

Answer. 2x2 + px – 15 = 0

Since (-5) is a root of the given equation

∴ 2(-5)2 + p(-5) – 15 = 0

=  2(25) – 5p – 15 = 0

=  50 – 15 = 5p 

=  35 = 5p

=  p = 7 ——(i)

     p(x2+x) + k   px2 + px + k = 0

Here, a = p, b = p, c = k

D = 0                (Roots are equal)

       b2 – 4ac = 0      , (p)2 – 4(p)k = 0

(7)2 – 4(7)k = 0

49 – 28k = 0

∴ k = 49/28 = 7/4


Q. 6. Let P and Q be the points of trisection of the line segment joining the points A (2, -2) and B (-7, 4) such that P is nearer to A. Find the coordinates of P and Q.




Q. 7. In Fig. 2, a quadrilateral ABCD is drawn to circumscribe a circle, with centre O, in such a way that the sides AB, BC, CD and DA touch the circle at the points P, Q, R and S respectively. Prove that: AB + CD = BC + DA.







[∴ Tangents drawn from an external point are equal in length]

By adding (i) to (iv)

(AP + BP) + (CR + DR) = AS + BQ + CQ + DS

AB + CD = (BQ + CQ) + (AS + DS)

∴ AB + CD = BC + AD (Hence Proved)


Q. 8. Prove that the points (3, 0), (6, 4) and (-1, 3) are the vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle.




Q. 9. The 4th term of an A.P. is zero. Prove that the 25th term of the A.P. is three times its 11th term.

Answer. Let 1st term = a,  Common difference = d

a4 = 0 ⇒ a + 3d ⇒ a = -3d          …………(i)

a25 = a + 24d ⇒ -3d + 24d = 21d ….[From (i)

3(a11) = 3(a + 10d) ⇒ 3(-3d + 10d) =21d ….[From (i)

From above, a25 = 3(a11) (Hence proved)


Q. 10. In Fig. 3, from an external point P, two tangents PT and PS are drawn to a circle with centre O and radius r. If OP = 2r, show that ∠OTS = ∠OST = 30°.




Section – C

Q 11. In Fig. 4, O is the centre of a circle such that diameter AB = 13 cm and AC = 12 cm. BC is joined. Find the area of the shaded region. (Take π = 3.14)





Q 12. In Fig. 5, a tent is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a conical top of same diameter. If the height and diameter of cylindrical part are 2.1 m and 3 m respectively and the slant height of conical part is 2.8 m, find the cost of canvas needed to make the tent if the canvas is available at the rate of Rs 500/sq. metre. (Use π = 22/7 )





Q 13. If the point P(x, y) is equidistant from the points A (a + b,b – a) and B(a -b,a + b), prove that bx = ay.




Q 14. In Fig. 6, find the area of the shaded region, enclosed between two concentric circles of radii 7 cm and 14 cm where ∠AOC = 40°. (Use π= 22/7 )





Q 15. If the ratio of the sum of first n terms of two A.P’s is (7n + 1) : (4n + 27), find the ratio of their mth terms.




Q 16. Solve for x:





Q 17. A conical vessel, with bash radius 5 cm and height 24 cm, is full of water. This water is emptied into a cylindrical vessel of base radius 10 cm. Find the height to which the water will rise in the cylindrical vessel. (Use π= 22/7)




Q 18. A sphere of diameter 12 cm, is dropped in a right circular cylindrical vessel, partly filled with water. If the sphere is completely submerged in water, the water level in the cylindrical vessel rises by 3 (5/9) cm. Find the diameter of the cylindrical vessel.




Q 19. A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10 m above water level, observes the angle of elevation of the top of a hill as 60° and the angle of depression of the base of the hill as 30°. Find the distance of the hill from the ship and the height of the hill.




Q 20. Three different coins are tossed together. Find the probability of getting (i) exactly two heads (ii) at least two heads (ii) at least two tails.



Section  – D

Q 21. Due to heavy floods in a State, thousands were rendered homeless. 50 schools collectively offered to the State Government to provide place and the canvas for 1,500 tents to be fixed by the Government and decided to share the whole expenditure equally. The lower part of each tent is cylindrical of base radius 2.8 m and height 3.5 m, with conical upper part of same base radius but of height 2.1 m. If the canvas used to make the tents costs Rs 120 per sq. m, find the amount shared by each school to set up the tents. What value is generated by the above problem? (Use π= 22/7)




Q 22. Prove that the lengths of the tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Answer. Given : Let circle be with centre O and P be a point outside circle PQ and PR are two tangents to circle intersecting at point Q and R respectively

To Prove : Lengths of tangents are equal i.e. PQ = PR

Construction:  Join OQ, OR and OP

Proof: As PQ is a tangent OQ⊥PQ [Tangent at any point of circle is perpendicular to the radius through point of contact]

So, ∠OQP = 90°

Hence ΔOQP is right triangle


Q. 23. Draw a circle of radius 4 cm. Draw two tangents to the circle inclined at an angle of 60° to each other.




Q 24. In Fig. 7, two equal circles, with centres O and O’, touch each other at X. OO’ produced meets the circle with centre O’ at A. AC is tangent to the circle with centre O, at the point C. O’D is perpendicular to AC. Find the value of DO’/CO.


Answer. Given: two equal circles, with centres O and O’, touch each other at point X. OO’ is produced to meet the circle with centre O’ at A. AC is tangent to the circle with centre O, at the point C. O’D is perpendicular to AC.



Q 25. Solve for x:





Q 26. The angle of elevation of the top Q of a vertical tower PQ from a point X on the ground is 60°. From a point Y, 40 m vertically above X, the angle of elevation of the top Q of tower is 45°. Find the height of the tower PQ and the distance PX. (Use √3= 1.73)




Q 27. The houses in a row are numbered consecutively from 1 to 49. Show that there exists a value of X such that sum of numbers of houses preceding the house numbered X is equal to sum of the numbers of houses following X.




Q 28. In Fig. 8, the vertices of ∆ABC are A(4, 6), B(l, 5) and C(7, 2). A line segment DE is drawn to intersect the sides AB and AC at D and E respectively such that AD/AB= AE/AC= 1/3 .Calculate the area of ∆ADE and Calculate the area compare it with area of ∆ABC.





Q 29. A number x is selected at random from the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Another number y is selected at random from the numbers 1, 4, 9 and 16. Find the probability that the product of x and y is less than 16.




Q 30. In Fig. 9, is shown a sector OAP of a circle with centre O, containing ∠θ. AB is perpendicular to the radius OA and meets OP produced at B. Prove that the perimeter of shaded region is r :





Q 31. A motor boat whose speed is 24 km/h in still water takes 1 hr more to go 32 km upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream.





Q 10.Solve for x:





Q 18. The digits of a positive number of three digits are in A.P. and their sum is 15. The number obtained by reversing the digits is 594 less than the original number. Find the number.




Q 19. If the roots of the quadratic equation (a – b)x2 + (b – c)x + (c – a) = 0 are equal, prove that 2a = b + c.




Q 20. From a pack of 52 playing cards, Jacks, Queens and Kings of red colour are removed. From the remaining, a card is drawn at random. Find the probability that drawn card is: (i) a black King (ii) a card of red colour (iii) a card of black colour




Q 28. Draw an isosceles ∆ABC in which BC = 5.5 cm and altitude AL = 3 cm. Then construct another triangle whose sides are 3/4 of the corresponding sides of ∆ABC.




Q 29. Prove that the tangent drawn at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

Answer. Given: XY is a tangent at point P to the circle with centre O.

To prove: OP⏊XY

Construction: Take a point Q on XY other than P and join OQ.

Proof: If point Q lies inside the circle, then XY will become a secant and not a tangent to the circle.

∴ OQ > OP

This happen with every point on the line XY except the point P.

OP is the shortest of all the distances of the point O to the points of XY



Q 30. As observed from the top of a lighthouse, 100 m high above sea level, the angles of depression of a ship, sailing directly towards it, changes from 30° to 60°. Find the distance travelled by the ship during the period of observation. (Use √3 = 1.73)




Q 31. A rectangular park is to be designed whose breadth is 3 m less than its length. Its area is to be 4 square metres more than the area of a park that has already been made in the shape of an isosceles triangle with its base as the breadth of the rectangular park and of altitude 12 m. Find the length and breadth of the rectangular park.




Q 10. Solve for x:





Q 18. There are 100 cards in a bag on which numbers from 1 to 100 are written. A card is taken out from the bag at random. Find the probability that the number on the selected card (i) is divisible by 9 and is a perfect square (ii) is a prime number greater than 80.




Q 19. Three consecutive natural numbers are such that the square of the middle number exceeds the difference of the squares of the other two by 60. Find the numbers.

Answer. Let three consecutive natural numbers are x, x+1,x+2

According to the question, (x+1)2 -[(x+2)2x2 ] = 60

x2+1+2x -[x2+4+4xx2 ] = 60

x2 + 1 + 2xx2– 4 – 4x + x2 = 60

x2 – 2x – 63 = 0

x2 – 9x +7x – 63 = 0

x(x –9) + 7(x – 9) = 0

⇒ (x –9)(x + 7) = 0

x –9 = 0 , x = 9

x + 7 = 0 , x = -7

Natural No’s can not be -ve, ∴ x = 9

∴ Numbers are 9, 10, 11


Q 20. The sums of first n terms of three arithmetic progressions are S1, S2 and S3 respectively. The first term of each A.P. is 1 and their common differences are 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Prove that S1+ S3 = 2S2.




Q 28. Two pipes running together can fill a tank in 11 (1/9) minutes. If one pipe takes 5 minutes more than the other to fill the tank separately, find the time in which each pipe would fill the tank separately.




Q 29. From a point on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is observed to be 60°. From a point 40 m vertically above the first point of observation, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 30°. Find the height of the tower and its horizontal distance from the point of observation.




Q 30. Draw a triangle with sides 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm. Then draw another triangle whose sides are 4/5 of the corresponding sides of first triangle.




Q 31. A number x is selected at random from the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16 and another number y is selected at random from the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. Find the probability that the value of xy is more than 16.

Answer. x can be any one of 1,4,9, or 16, i.e. 4 ways y can be any one of 1,2,3 or 4 ways

 Total number of cases of xy = 4×4 = 16 ways

Number of cases, where product is more than 16 

(9,2)(9,3)(9,4)(16,2)(16,3)(16,4) i.e. 6 ways

9×2 = 18 9×3 = 27

9×4 = 36 16×2 = 32

16×3 = 48 16×4 = 64


∴ Required Probability = 6/16 = 3/8

Maths 10th Previous Year Question Paper 2017 (CBSE)


Section – A

Q.1. What is the common difference of an A.P. in which a21 – a7 = 84 ?

Solution: Given, a21 – a7 = 84

⇒ (a + 20d) – (a + 6d) = 84

⇒ a + 20d – a – 6d = 84

⇒ 20d – 6d = 84

⇒ 14d = 84

Hence common difference = 6


Q. 2.If the angle between two tangents drawn from an external point P to a circle of radius a and centre O, is 60°, then find the length of OP.

Solution: Given, ∠APB = 60°

∠APO = 30°

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q2

In right angle ΔOAP,

OP/OA = cosec 30°

⇒ OP/a = 2

⇒ OP = 2a.

Q. 3.If a tower 30 m high, casts a shadow 10√3 m long on the ground, then what is the angle of elevation of the sun?]

Solution: In ΔABC,

tan θ = AB/ BC

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q3

⇒ tan θ = 30/10√3 = √3

⇒ tan θ = tan 60°

⇒ θ = 60°

Hence angle of elevation is 60°.


Q. 4. The probability of selecting a rotten apple randomly from a heap of 900 apples is 0-18. What is the number of rotten apples in the heap? 

Solution: Total apples = 900

P(E) = 0.18

No. of rotten apples / Total No. of apples = 0.18

No. of rotten apples / 900 = 0.18

No. of rotten apples = 900 × 0.18 = 162

Section – B

Q. 5. Find the value of p, for which one root of the quadratic equation px2 – 14x + 8 = 0 is 6 times the other. 

Solution: Given equation is px2 – 14x + 8 = 0

Let one root = α

then other root = 6α

Sum of roots = -b/a


7α=14/p or α= 2/p   ……….(1)

Product of roots = c/a


2=8/p  ……….(2)

Putting value of α from eq. (i),

⇒6×(2/p)2 = 8/p

⇒6×4/p2 = 8/p

⇒24p = 8p2

⇒8p2-24p = 0

⇒8p(p-3) = 0

⇒ Either 8p = 0

p = 0

or        (p-3) = 0

p = 3

For p=0, given condition is not satisfied

ஃ p=3


Q 6.Which term of the progression 20, 19¼  , 18½ , 17 ¾, … is the first negative term ? 

Solution: Given, A.P. is 20, 19¼  , 18½ , 17 ¾, …

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q6


Q. 7. Prove that the tangents drawn at the endpoints of a chord of a circle make equal angles with the chord.

Solution: Given, a circle of radius OA and centred at O with chord AB and tangents PQ & RS are drawn from point A and B respectively.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q7

Draw OM ⊥ AB, and join OA and OB.

In ∆OAM and ∆OMB,

OA = OB (Radii)

OM = OM (Common)

∠OMA = ∠OMB (Each 90°)

∆OAM = ∆OMB (By R.H.S. Congurency)

∠OAM = ∠OBM (C.PC.T.)

Also, ∠OAP = ∠OBR = 90° (Line joining point of contact of tangent to centre is perpendicular on it)

On addition,

∠OAM + ∠OAP = ∠OBM + ∠OBR

⇒ ∠PAB = ∠RBA

⇒ ∠PAQ – ∠PAB = ∠RBS – ∠RBA

⇒ ∠QAB = ∠SBA

Hence Proved


Q. 8. A circle touches all the four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that AB + CD = BC + DA 

Solution: Given, a quad. ABCD and a circle touch its all four sides at P, Q, R, and S respectively.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q8

To prove: AB + CD = BC + DA

Now, L.H.S. = AB + CD

= AP + PB + CR + RD

= AS + BQ + CQ + DS (Tangents from same external point are always equal)

= (AS + SD) + (BQ + QC)

= AD + BC

= R.H.S.

Hence Proved.


Q 9.A line intersects the y-axis and x-axis at the points P and Q respectively. If (2, -5) is the mid-point of PQ, then find the coordinates of P and Q. 

Solution: Let co-ordinate of P (0, y)

Co-ordinate of Q (x, 0)

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q9


Q. 10.If the distances of P(x, y), from A(5, 1) and B(-1, 5) are equal, then prove that 3x = 2y. 

Solution: Given, PA = PB

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q10

⇒ x2 + 25 – 10x + y2 + 1 – 2y = x2 + 1 + 2x + y2 + 25 – 10y

⇒ -10x – 2y = 2x – 10y

⇒ -10x – 2x = -10y + 2y

⇒ 12x = 8y

⇒ 3x = 2y

Hence Proved.

Section – C

Q 11. If ad ≠ bc, then prove that the equation (a2 +b2) x2 + 2 (ac + bd) x +  (c2 + d2) = 0 has no real roots. 

Solution: Given, ad ≠ bc

(a2 + b2) x2 + 2(ac + bd)x + (c2 + d2) = 0

D = b2 – 4ac

= [2(ac + bd)]2 – 4 (a2 + b2) (c2 + d2)]

= 4[a2c2 + b2d2 + 2abcd] – 4(a2c2 + a2d2 + b2c2 + b2d2)

= 4[a2c2 + b2d2 + 2abcd – a2c2 – a2d2 – b2c2 – b2d2]

= 4[-a2d2 – b2c2 + 2abcd]

= -4[a2d2 + b2c2 – 2abcd]

= -4[ad – bc]2

D is negative

Hence given equation has no real roots.


Q 12.The first term of an A.E is 5, the last term is 45 and the sum of all its terms is 400. Find the number of terms and the common difference of the A.P. 

Solution: Given, a = 5, an = 45, Sn = 400

We have, Sn = ⇒ 400 = n/2 [5 + 45]

⇒ 400 = n/2 [50]

⇒ 25n = 400

⇒ n = 16

Now, an = a + (n – 1) d

⇒ 45 = 5 + (16 – 1)d

⇒ 45 – 5 = 15d

⇒ 15d = 40

⇒ d = 8/3

So n = 16 and d = 8/3


Q 13.On a straight line passing through the foot of a tower, two points C and D are at distances of 4 m and 16 m from the foot respectively. If the angles of elevation from C and D of the top of the tower are complementary, then find the height of the tower. 


Let height AB of tower = h  m.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q13
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q13.1


Q14. A bag contains 15 white and some black balls. If the probability of drawing a black ball from the bag is thrice that of drawing a white ball, find the number of black balls in the bag. 

Solution: Given, no. of white balls = 15

Let no. of black balls = x

Total balls = (15 + x)

According to the question,

P(Blackball) = 3 × P(White ball)

⇒ x/15+x = 3 × 15/15+x

⇒ x = 45

No. of black balls in bag = 45


Q 15.In what ratio does the point (2411, y) the line segment joining the points P(2, -2) and Q(3, 7) ? Also, find the value of y. 

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q15

Solution: Let point R divides PQ in the ratio k : 1

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q15.1
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q15.2

Q 16. Three semicircles each of diameter 3 cm, a circle of diameter 4.5 cm and a semi-circle of radius 4.5 cm are drawn in the given figure. Find the area of the shaded region. 

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q16

Solution: Given, radius of large semi-circle = 4.5 cm

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q16.1

Q17. In the given figure, two concentric circles with centre O have radii 21 cm and 42 cm. If ∠AOB = 60°, find the area of the shaded region. [Use π = 227]

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q17

Solution: Angle for shaded region = 360° – 60° = 300°

Area of shaded region

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q17.1


Q 18.Water in a canal, 5-4 m wide and 1.8 m deep, is flowing with a speed of 25 km/hour. How much area can it irrigate in 40 minutes, if 10 cm of standing water is required for irrigation ? 

Solution: Width of canal = 5.4 m

Depth of canal = 1.8 m

Length of water in canal for 1 hr = 25 km = 25000 m

Volume of water flown out from canal in 1 hr = l × b × h = 5.4 × 1.8 × 25000 = 243000 m3

Volume of water for 40 min = 243000 × 40 60 = 162000 m3

Area to be irrigated with 10 cm standing water in field = Volume/ Height

= (162000×100)/10  m2

= 1620000 m2

= 162 hectare


Q 19.The slant height of a frustum of a cone is 4 cm and the perimeters of its circular ends are 18 cm and 6 cm. Find the curved surface area of the frustum. 

Solution: Slant height of frustum ‘l’ = 4 cm

Perimeter of upper top = 18 cm

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q19

Q 20. The dimensions of a solid iron cuboid are 4.4 m × 2.6 m × 1.0 m. It is melted and recast into hollow cylindrical pipe of 30 cm inner radius and thickness 5 cm. Find the length of the pipe. 

Solution:  Inner radius of pipe ‘r’ = 30 cm 

The thickness of pipe = 5 cm

Outer radius ‘R’ = 30 + 5 = 35 cm

Now, Volume of hollow pipe = Volume of Cuboid

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q20

Section – D

Q. 21.Solve for x:

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CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q21.1

Q 22.Two taps running together can fill a tank in 3 1/13  hours. If one tap takes 3 hours more than the other to fill the tank, then how much time will each tap take to fill the tank ? 

Solution: Let tank fill by one tap = x hrs

other tap = (x + 3) hrs

Together they fill by (3) 1/13 = 40/13 hrs

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q22

Either x – 5 = 0 or 13x + 24 = 0

x = 5, x = -24/13 (Rejected)

One tap fill the tank in 5 hrs

So other tap fill the tank in 5 + 3 = 8 hrs


Q 23.If the ratio of the sum of the first n terms of two A.P.S is (7n + 1) : (4n + 27), then find the ratio of their 9th terms. 


Ratio of the sum of first n terms of two A.P.s are

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q23

Hence ratio of 9th terms of two A.P.s is 24 : 19


Q 24.Prove that the lengths of two tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal. 

Solution: Given, a circle with centre O and external point P. |

Two tangents PA and PB are drawn.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q24

To Prove: PA = PB

Construction: Join radius OA and OB also join O to P.

Proof: In ∆OAP and ∆OBP,

OA = OB (Radii)

∠A = ∠B (Each 90°)

OP = OP (Common)

∆AOP = ∆BOP (RHS cong.)

PA = PB [By C.PC.T.]

Hence Proved.


Q 25.In the given figure, XY and XY are two parallel tangents to a circle with centre O and another tangent AB with a point of contact C, is intersecting XY at A and X’Y’ at B. Prove that ∠AOB = 90°. 

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q25

Solution: Given, XX’ & YY’ are parallel.

Tangent AB is another tangent which touches the circle at C.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q25.1

To prove: ∠AOB = 90°

Construction: Join OC.

Proof: In ∆OPA and ∆OCA,

OP = OC (Radii)

∠OPA = ∠OCA (Radius ⊥ Tangent)

OA = OA (Common)


∠1 = ∠2 …(i)

Similarly, ∆OQB = ∆OCB

∠3 = ∠4 …(ii)

Also, POQ is a diameter of circle

∠POQ = 180° (Straight angle)

∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠4 = 180°

From eq. (i) and (ii),

∠2 + ∠2 + ∠3 + ∠3 = 180°

⇒ 2(∠2 + ∠3) = 180°

⇒ ∠2 + ∠3 = 90°

Hence, ∠AOB = 90°

Hence Proved.


Q 26.Construct a triangle ABC with side BC = 7 cm, ∠B = 45°, ∠A = 105°. Then construct another triangle whose sides are 3 4  times the corresponding sides of the ∆ABC. 

Solution: BC = 7 cm, ∠B = 45°, ∠A = 105°

∠C = 180 ° – (∠B + ∠A) = 180° – (45° + 105°) = 180° – 150° = 30°

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q26

Steps of construction:

  1. Draw a line segment BC = 7 cm.
  2. Draw an angle 45° at B and 30° at C. They intersect at A.
  3. Draw an acute angle at B.
  4. Divide angle ray in 4 equal parts as B1, B2, B3 and B4.
  5. Join B4 to C.
  6. From By draw a line parallel to B4C intersecting BC at C’.
  7. Draw another line parallel to CA from C’ intersecting AB ray at A.
    Hence, ∆A’BC’ is required triangle such that ∆A’BC’ ~ ∆ABC with A’B = ¾ AB


Q 27. An aeroplane is flying at a height of 300 m above the ground. Flying at this height, the angles of depression from the aeroplane of two points on both banks of a river in opposite directions are 45° and 60° respectively. Find the width of the river. [Use √3 = 1.732] 

Solution: Let aeroplane is at A, 300 m high from a river. C and D are opposite banks of river.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q27

Q 28. If the points A(k + 1, 2k), B(3k, 2k + 3) and C(5k – 1, 5k) are collinear, then find the value of k. 

Solution: Since A(k + 1, 2k), B(3k, 2k + 3) and C(5k – 1, 5k) are collinear points, so area of triangle = 0.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q28
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q28.1


Q. 29. Two different dice are thrown together. Find the probability that the numbers obtained have

(i) even sum, and

(ii) even product. 

Solution: When two different dice are thrown together

Total outcomes = 6 × 6 = 36

(i) For even sum: Favourable outcomes are

(1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6),

(3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 5), (4, 2), (4, 4), (4, 6),

(5, 1), (5, 3), (5, 5), (6, 2), (6, 4), (6, 6)

No. of favourable outcomes = 18

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q29

(ii) For even product: Favourable outcomes are

(1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6),

(3, 2), (3, 4), (3, 6), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6),

(5, 2), (5, 4), (5, 6), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6).

No. of favourable outcomes = 27

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q29.1

Q. 30. In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle of dimensions 21 cm × 14 cm. A semicircle is drawn with BC as diameter. Find the area and the perimeter of the shaded region in the figure.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q30

Solution: Area of Shaded region = Area of a rectangle – Area of a semi-circle

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q30.1


Q. 31.In a rain-water harvesting system, the rainwater from a roof of 22 m × 20 m drains into a cylindrical tank having a diameter of base 2 m and height 35 m. If the tank is full, find the rainfall in cm. Write your views on water conservation.

Solution: Volume of water collected in system = Volume of a cylindrical tank

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set I Q31

Set II

Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in previous sets.

Section – B

Q. 10.Which term of the A.P. 8, 14, 20, 26,… will be 72 more than its 41st term? 

Solution: A.P. is 8, 14, 20, 26,….

a = 8, d = 14 – 8 = 6

Let an = a41 + 72

a + (n – 1)d = a + 40d + 72

⇒ (n – 1) 6 = 40 × 6 + 72 = 240 + 72 = 312

⇒ n – 1 = 52

⇒ n = 52 + 1 = 53rd term

Section – C

Q. 18.From a solid right circular cylinder of height 24 cm and radius 0.7 cm, a right circular cone of the same height and same radius is cut out. Find the total surface area of the remaining solid.

Solution: Given, Height of cylinder ‘h’ = 2.4 cm,

Radius of base ‘r’ = 0.7 cm

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q18
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q18.1


Q. 19.If the 10th term of an A.E is 52 and the 17th term is 20 more than the 13th term, find the A.P. 

Solution: Given, a10 = 52;

a17 = a13 + 20

⇒ a + 16d = a + 12d + 20

⇒ 16d = 12d + 20

⇒ 4d = 20

⇒ d = 5

Also, a + 9d = 52

⇒ a + 9 × 5 = 52

⇒ a + 45 = 52

⇒ a = 7

Therefore A.E = 7, 12, 17, 22, 27,….


Q. 20. If the roots of the equation (c^2 – ab) x^2 – 2(a^2 – bc) x + b^2 – ac = 0 in x are equal, then show that either a = 0 or a^3 + b^3 + c^3 = 3abc.


CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q20

Section – D

Q. 28. Solve for x:

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q28

Solution:CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q28.1

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q28.2

Q 29.A train covers a distance of 300 km at a uniform speed. If the speed of the train is increased by 5 km/hour, it takes 2 hours less on the journey. Find the original speed of the train.

Solution: Let original speed of train = x km/hr

Increased speed of train = (x + 5) km/hr

Distance = 300 km

According to the question,

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q29

Q 30.A man observes a car from the top of a tower, which is moving towards the tower with a uniform speed. If the angle of depression of the car changes from 30° to 45° in 12 minutes, find the time taken by the car now to reach the tower.

Solution: Let AB is a tower, the car is at point D at 30° and goes to C at 45° in 12 minutes.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q30
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q30.1

Q. 31.In the given figure, ΔABC is a right-angled triangle in which ∠A is 90°. Semi-circles are drawn on AB, AC and BC as diameters. Find the area of the shaded region.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q31

Solution: In right ΔBAC, by Pythagoras theorem,

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q31.1
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set II Q31.2


Note: Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in previous sets.

Section – B

Q. 10.For what value of n, are the terms of two A.Ps 63, 65, 67,…. and 3, 10, 17,…. equal ? 

Solution:1st A.P. is 63, 65, 67,…

a = 63, d = 65 – 63 = 2

an = a + (n – 1 )d = 63 + (n – 1) 2 = 63 + 2n – 2 = 61 + 2n

2nd A.E is 3, 10, 17,…

a = 3, d = 10 – 3 = 7

an = a + (n – 1 )d = 3 + (n – 1) 7 = 3 + 7n – 7 = 7n – 4

According to question,

61 + 2n = 7n – 4

⇒ 61 + 4 = 7n – 2n

⇒ 65 = 5n

⇒ n = 13

Hence, 13th term of both A.P. is equal.

Section – C

Q. 18.A toy is in the form of a cone of radius 3-5 cm mounted on a hemisphere of the same radius on its circular face. The total height of the toy is 15*5 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy. 

Solution: Given, radius of base ‘r’ = 3.5 cm

Total height of toy = 15.5 cm

Height of cone ‘h’ = 15.5 – 3.5 = 12 cm

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q18
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q18.1

Q. 19.How many terms of an A.E 9, 17, 25,… must be taken to give a sum of 636? 

Solution: A.P. is 9, 17, 25,….,

Sn = 636

a = 9, d = 17 – 9 = 8

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q19

Q. 20. If the roots of the equation (a2 + b2) x2 – 2 (ac + bd) x + (c2 + d2) = 0 are equal, prove that a/b = c/d


CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q20

Section – D

Q. 28.Solve for x:

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CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q28.1

Q. 29. A takes 6 days less than B to do a work. If both A and B working together can do it in 4 days, how many days will B take to finish it? 

Solution: Let B can finish a work in x days

so, A can finish work in (x – 6) days

Together they finish work in 4 days


CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q29

⇒ 4 (2x – 6) = x2 – 6x

⇒ 8x – 24 = x2 – 6x

⇒ x2 – 14x + 24 = 0

⇒ x2 – 12x – 2x + 24 = 0

⇒ x(x – 12) – 2(x – 12) = 0

⇒ (x – 12) (x – 2) = 0

Either x – 12 = 0 or x – 2 = 0

x = 12 or x = 2 (Rejected)

B can finish work in 12 days

A can finish work in 6 days.


Q. 30.From the top of a tower, 100 m high, a man observes two cars on the opposite sides of the tower and in a same straight line with its base, with angles of depression 30° and 45°. Find the distance between cars.

[Take √3 = 1.732]

Solution: Let AB is a tower.

Cars are at point C and D respectively

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q30

Distance between two cars = x + y = 173.2 + 100 = 273.2 m


Q. 31.In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle with AC = 24 cm, AB = 7 cm and ∠BOD = 90°. Find the area of the shaded region.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q31

Solution: Given, C (O, OB) with AC = 24 cm AB = 7 cm and ∠BOD = 90°

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths 2017 Outside Delhi Term 2 Set III Q31.1

∠CAB = 90° (Angle in semi-circle)

Using pythagoras theorem in ∆CAB,

BC2 = AC2 + AB2 = (24)2 + (7)2 = 576 + 49 = 625

⇒ BC = 25 cm

Radius of circle = OB = OD = OC = 25/2cm

Area of shaded region = Area of semi-circle with diamieter BC – Area of ∆CAB + Area of sector BOD





Deforestation means the process of cutting down and burning the trees in forest and woodland and converting the land to other use. In other words, it is the destruction of forest, removal of vegetation from an area and clearing of trees for various commercial purposes and for fulfilling the personal needs. Deforestation is the quick woodland devastation through the incessant cutting of plants without replanting.



1. Globalization


2. Urbanization

3. Over Population

4. Climate

5. Over Grazing

6. Shifting Cultivation

7. Fuel Wood

8. Forest Fires

9. Timber

10. Industry Establishment

11. Encroachment of Forest

12. Forest Diseases

13. Landslides

14. Ravine Formation


Due to Globalization many industries and factories are built which emit carbon di oxide that affects the trees and forests. India and China are the major countries where trees and forests are used to produce products and supplies in various parts of the world.


As the world progresses, trees are cleared to oblige growing urban regions for the utilization of construction materials, furniture, paper products, material utilized for highways and streets and timberlands. They are cut down to create land for grazing cattle and for growing crops. Trees are also cut down in developing countries to be used as firewood or turned into charcoal, which are used for cooking and heating purposes.

Over Population:

An increase in population increases the products consumption for which the trees are being destroyed. The fundamental needs are asylum and food supplied with the aid of forests where an ideal measure of utilization and development is required.

Over population in countries like China and India are a result where deforestation rate is higher than comparative countries. The considerable demand for housing in the urban sector increases the demand for wood in the construction of the houses. With more demand, greater is the harm done to the forests. As the land area is limited, the only option for the real estate dealers is to buy the forest land for cheap, clear them and make housing sites for the population.


Atmosphere influences people as well as trees, streets, and little plants. The major factor is “ACID RAIN”. Waxy outer coating that covers the leaves is weakened by acid rain.When this happens, it allows the acid to seep into the tree that protects the leaves. Instead of water that changes from a liquid to a gas inside the leaves, gas takes the place of the water. This stops the plant from absorbing carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and the plant then dies.

Another factor of climate is global warming. As the temperature increases than the average temperature, it affects the growth of the plants and soil thus leading to deforestation.


Overgrazing not only destroys forests regenerated growth but also makes soil more compact and impervious. Soil becomes less fertile due to destruction of organic matter and the seeds of certain species do not germinate in excessively grazed soils which results in reduction of species. This leads to desertification. Overgrazing also accelerates the soil erosion which results in the removal of minerals and nutrients from the topsoil and adversely affects the soil structure that ultimately lowers the productivity. The uncontrolled and indiscriminate grazing in the forests leads to degradation of forest soil and affect natural regeneration of forests. Due to excess grazing of the cattle in the grazing lands, the topsoil is washed away which makes it useless for any purpose, including grazing. This prompts to clear the forest areas for growing fodder which led to deforestation.

Shifting Cultivation:

In North Eastern India, due to heavy water erosion shifting cultivation is locally called “JHUM”. Numerous ranchers slaughter the woods for farming and business purposes and another timberland territory is devastated when soil fertility is depleted because of continued cropping. This degrades about one million hectare land every year thus leading to deforestation.

Fuel Wood:

Maximum forest habitat destruction is performed for wood-fuel. In India alone, the annual demand for firewood was 235 million cubic meters (according to Forest survey of India, 1987) where 135 million tons of firewood was consumed in rural areas while 23 million tons was consumed in urban areas. 

So, fuel wood is a big deforestation cause.

Forest Fires:

Some fires are incidental while the majority of them are deliberate. According to Forest Survey of India (1996), 53.1% forest vegetation was affected by fire which destroyed about 0.5 million hectares of forests annually. Thus, frequent fires are the major cause of deforestation.


According to Forest Survey of India 1987, the annual demand of timber was 12 million cubic meters. Thus, the increased demand for timber led to a rapid depletion of forest. Timber and plywood industries are mainly responsible for the destruction of forest trees and deforestation.

Industry Establishment:

For the establishment of factories and industries, precious plants, wild animals, and rare birds are destroyed, and the quality of environment is adversely affected. The forest-based industries such as Resin and Turpentine industry are responsible for the destruction of trees in the hills as raw materials are supplied to these industries thus causing deforestation.

Encroachment of Forest:

It means encroachment by tribal on forest land for agriculture and other purposes. According to Forest Survey of India, about 7 million hectares of forest land has been encroached for agriculture which produced environmental hazards and deforestation.

Forest Diseases:

Many diseases that are caused by parasitic fungi, rusts, viruses and nematodes causes’ death and decay of forest plants. Young seedlings are destroyed due to attack of nematodes. Many diseases such as heart rot, blister rust, oak will, phloem necrosis and Dutch elm disease, etc. damage the forest trees in large numbers.


The landslides occur mainly in the areas where developmental activities are in progress. The construction of roads and railways particularly in hilly terrains, setting up of big irrigation projects have caused enough destruction to forest and accelerated the natural process of denudation. Deforestation due to landslide in the hills is the major concern.

Ravines Formation:

The forested areas and farming grounds at the edges of large stream gorges (Yamuna and Chambal) face a severe soil disintegration risk. Once the ravines are formed, they continue to destroy the vegetational cover.




1.  Deforestation results in many effects like loss of animals home, death of animals, environmental changes, seasonal changes, increase in temperature, rise in environmental heat, global warming, increase in greenhouse gases, melting of ice caps and glaciers, increase in sea level, weakening of ozone layer, hole in the ozone layer, death of sea animals, increasing risks of natural disaster like Storms, cyclones, typhoons, floods, droughts and many other adverse shifts that are sufficient to last life on earth.

2. It is affecting the human lives to a great extent by forcing the negative changes to the environment and atmosphere.

3. Deforestation affects human wellbeing and the new ecosystem by means of atmosphere unevenness, rising an Earth-wide temperature boost, soil disintegration, floods, elimination of biodiversity, diminishing levels of fresh oxygen and rising carbon dioxide, expanding air contamination and expanding levels of toxic gases.

All the harmful impacts of deforestation are causing numerous medical issues, and above all else lung and respiratory issues.

4. Deforestation is not only disturbing the human lives by causing several imbalance ecologically and environmentally but also alarming continuously and indicating the need to stop cutting plants for the safety of human lives. A few people do deforestation to accomplish their insatiability of acquiring money from wood. People are cutting plants for their agricultural activities, logging (to make papers, match-sticks, furniture etc.), urbanization (road construction, housing etc.), desertification of land, mining (oil and coal mining), and fires (to get heat) etc.

5. It disrupts the carbon cycle. The forest trees take carbon dioxide as well as the atmosphere. It affects the human lives and causes an imbalance in ecology and environment. The human health is affected by the pollution which is occurred by deforestation. The land pollution, air pollution and global warming are the main reasons for the various effects on human, wildlife, and nature.

6. Population growth and agricultural development has put unprecedented pressure on India’s forests in the past half century. With the simultaneous rise in both the number of cattle and the amount of land under cultivation, livestock owners were forced to move to forest areas to graze their herd. As indicated by the State of the Forest Study 1995, 78 percent of all woods have undergone frequencies of deforestation and 74 percent of forests need recovery.


Prompt impacts of deforestation incorporate the washing ceaselessly of soil in the rainstorm season. This is because trees are no longer connecting and holding the soil and so mud slides are possible. The earth is leached of minerals by the large amounts of water. The absence of vegetation likewise implies not many creatures will be found in the field. Most of nutrients are stored in the vegetation and the trees, so if these factors receive bad cycle, our eco-system will be destroyed. Once the trees and plants are cut down, essential nutrients are separated easily and are washed out by rainfall. Thus, we would lose the nutrients for our body needs for daily life. In the event that the ground gets dries and splits under the sun’s warmth without the shelter of the trees, we cannot develop any plants in light of the fact that the soil components are lost. According to the statistics, nearly 80% of tropical forest soil is now infertile, and they will cause worse eco-system which will affect the animals who live there and their habitats. It may change their genetic as well.


1. Deforestation has so many social effects on our society. Its impact not only affects humans but also plants, animals, and the surrounding environment. It causes and forces the surrounding to adapt in order to survive such difficult situations.

2. Indigenous people who consider the forests as their primary habitats are rendered homeless when forests are depleted. This can be seen in mostly undeveloped areas where many people use the forest as their primary habitat. The people living in these areas are forced to move while their surroundings are being altered. The cutting down of forest trees forces the people who live around such areas to move and seek shelter elsewhere.

3. People and animals who live in the rainforest areas depends on their natural environment. Individuals who live close to the timberland in these regions typically rely on their indigenous habitat for fundamental things like food, shelter, water and so forth. Cutting down the trees in those areas usually tend to affect all living things and surroundings that forces them to migrate and look for another conducive atmosphere.

4. Social conflicts and struggles over land and other resources results in the loss of lands and people who live there have to migrate to other places in search of land and resources.


1. Deforestation could lead to changes in surface conditions, which would increase the intensity and decrease the duration of rainfall, thereby increasing run-off. This causes soil erosion which leads to the riverbeds being silted. This is how floods occur. 

2. India is losing 1.5 million hectares (mha) of forests per year, thereby bringing down the total forest area from 74 mha to 40 mha.

3. Deforestation causes loss of top soil to the tune of 12000 million tons.

4. Due to deforestation, India loses Rs 10,000 crores every year in the form of damage by floods.



1. On the rural side, the issue is that the people are depended on the forests for wood fuel and that is why their needs are fulfilled as well as the forests are not depleted because of their actions.

2. On the urban side, we must remember that the trend of consumerism has found currency with the urbanites accompanied with total disregard for the environment. So, can the consumerist attitude and the conversationalist attitude co-exist?

3. Corporates are facing increasing pressure from various organizations to take care of the environment, yet there is no social concern or initiative coming from them directly. Can the government be unbiased in its actions?

4. Almost all the forests are owned by the government and it is their responsibility to see that the forests are safeguarded. But due to lack of political will and pressure from other sectors, the government is not able to decide and act on its own. Can the government be unbiased in its actions?

5. The standard of fixing (33% compulsory forest cover) for all the states of the nation is not a viable, as there are various differences among the states, and many of them are solely dependent on the forest resources for their revenue. Can a region-specific target be drawn up, so that the overall forest cover concedes to the total target of 33%?

6. It is noteworthy to mention that the rate of deforestation exceeds the rate of afforestation. As the land area is fixed, and the cleared forests are used for other purposes, can the scheme of afforestation be successful in the near future?

7. There is a close link between agriculture and forestry. With improvements in the agriculture sector, and with the increase in population, there is a continuous need for upgrading the resources. Can the forest resources be experimented with the modern technologies?


Everyday more than thousands of trees are cut down all over the world to use the timber as a major source of fuel, building material and paper products. Urbanization has forced man to acquire huge forest areas. As population grows, the need for agricultural land has also increased over the years. Deforestation has such a large number of detrimental environmental effects. One of the most severe consequences of this is the natural surroundings loss of numerous creature species.

Thus, deforestation can alter the earth’s biodiversity making a lot of rare species even more extinct. Deforestation also plays a major role in global warming and it is also responsible to the contribution of up to 20% of the total greenhouse gases emitted. Trees play a major role in absorbing most of the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. As lots of trees are cut down, the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases thus increasing the temperature of the earth. Another immediate impact of deforestation is expanded soil disintegration. This can also lead to unnatural floods and droughts. Clearing forests can disrupt the normal water flow thus causing abnormal floods and droughts. Plants consume water through roots, discharges into the air that creates mists and downpour.


As population grows so does the rise and demand of more forests to be cut down and this leads to deforestation. This is a breakdown of land area per sq. km 2002/2008.


1. Reforestation: Because of public education, new technology and innovation has occurred in most parts of the world that implements reforestation and it very well may be found in nations across Asia.

2. Legislation: Due to new laws and regulations it can be seen that new trees have been planted and old trees are not allowed to be cut down. If this continues there might be a chance to stop deforestation and reverse the whole process completely.

3. Wildlife Sanctuaries: Sanctuaries are very important, not only to save wildlife, but to save trees as well. Sanctuaries go a long way in protecting all wildlife.

4. Cities: All cities should be managed properly. The new projects need to be controlled and planned accordingly and new trees should be planted in the process.

5. Commercial Forest Plantation: There should be a special forest plantations for all the wood that is required by the industries. In this manner the wood can be cut in a controlled and regulated environment.

6. Water Management: Improper water management affects deforestation in a big way. If the wildlife does not have water, then the entire ecosystem will be damaged. The construction of new dams should be planned properly, and area receives abundance of water.

The government must be blamed for the destruction of the forests due to:

1. Their flexibility in allocating the forest land to corporates under political pressure.

2. The distribution of lands to tribal people, on which agriculture cannot be done due to soil variety. This causes the allotted land to be wasted as the cleared land for agriculture can no longer be used for the purpose intended nor can they be used as forest cover as earlier.


1. One of the major reasons for the destruction of the forests are the building of dam’s reservoirs. These projects, albeit, intended for the benefit of the people, extends on the reverse side into trouble for the people. Displacement of the masses on one side, the projects cause large areas of virgin forests to be destroyed ruthlessly.

2. The other reason could be attributed to the lack of vigilance of the people who use the forest as camps. Their carelessness may cause forest fires which devours large areas of lush green forests.


Forests are an important natural resource for any country and deforestation retards a country’s development. Essential assets can only be accessed by “Afforestation” to fulfill the needs of the growing populace. Afforestation refers to the scheduled of planting trees for food and fodder development. Nurseries play a significant part in growing the cover of forests. As significant for what it is worth for a youngster to attain a nursery through her/his youthful age, so it is for plants to develop under appropriate consideration and security. This prepares them to withstand adverse situations during planting.

There is some hope. Projects with solar powered ovens reduce the need to cut the trees for fuel. Crops best suited for poorer soils is being introduced.


Woodlands are very important for appropriate irrigation, medication, air newness, air contamination reduction, wood obtaining for some reasons and so on. It upsets all the procedures when we cut plants and impacts human lives. Instead of cutting plants to fulfill the need of paper, we should make the habit of recycling the old things as possible and avoid cutting of new plants. As existence without water is beyond the realm of imagination, similarly existence without plants and trees is likewise unrealistic as it is the wellspring of sunlight, natural air, creature environment, shadows, wood and so on.

Maths 10th Previous Year Question Paper 2018 (CBSE)


Section – A

Q.1. If x = 3 is one root of the quadratic equation x2 – 2kx – 6 = 0, then find the value of k. 


Given quadratic equation is, x2 – 2kx – 6 = 0

x = 3 is a root of above equation, then

(3)2 – 2k (3) – 6 = 0

 ⇒ 9 – 6k – 6 = 0

⇒ 3 – 6k = 0

 ⇒ 3 = 6k

⇒ k = 3/6

⇒ k =½


Q.2. What is the HCF of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number? 


Smallest prime number = 2

Smallest composite number = 4

Prime factorisation of 2 is 1 × 2

Prime factorisation of 4 is 1 × 22

HCF (2, 4) = 2


Q.3.Find the distance of a point P(x, y) from the origin. 


The given point is P (x, y).

The origin is O (0, 0)

The distance of point P from the origin,


Q.4. In an AP if the common difference (d) = -4 and the seventh term (a7) is 4, then find the first term. 



d = -4, a7 = 4

a + 6d = 4

⇒ a + 6(-4) = 4

⇒ a – 24 = 4

⇒ a = 4 + 24

⇒ a = 28


Q.5. What is the value of (cos2 67° – sin2 23°) ? 


We have, cos2 67° – sin2 23°

= cos2 67° – cos2 (90° – 23°)          [∵ sin (90° – θ) = cos θ]

= cos2 67° – cos2 67°

= 0


Q.6. Given ΔABC ~ ΔPQR, if AB/PQ=1/3  then find arΔABC/arΔPQR



Section – B

Q.7.Given that √2 is irrational, prove that (5 + 3√2) is an irrational number. 


Given, √2 is an irrational number.

Let √2 = m

Suppose, 5 + 3√2 is a rational number.

 But a-5b/3b is rational number, so m is rational number which contradicts the fact that m = √2 is irrational number.

So, our supposition is wrong.

Hence, 5 + 3√2 is also irrational.

Hence Proved.

Q.8.In fig. 1, ABCD is a rectangle. Find the values of x and y.


Given, ABCD is a rectangle.


⇒ 30 = x + y


⇒ x + y = 30 …(i)

Similarly, AD = BC

⇒ 14 = x – y


⇒ x – y = 14 …(ii)

On adding eq. (i) and (ii), we get

2x = 44

⇒ x = 22

Putting the value of x in eq. (i), we get

 22 + y = 30

 ⇒ y = 30 – 22

 ⇒ y = 8

 So, x = 22, y = 8.


Q.9.Find the sum of the first 8 multiples of 3. 

Solution:First 8 multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9,….. up to 8 terms

 We can observe that the above series is an AP with

 a = 3, d = 6 – 3 = 3, n = 8

 Sum of n terms of an A.P is given by,


Q.10.Find the ratio in which P(4, m) divides the line segment joining the points A(2, 3) and B(6, -3). Hence find m. 

Solution:Let P divides line segment AB in the ratio k : 1

 Coordinates of P


Q.11. Two different dice are tossed together. Find the probability:

 (i) of getting a doublet.

 (ii) of getting a sum 10, of the numbers on the two dice. 


 Total outcomes on tossing two different dice = 36

 (i) A: getting a doublet

 A = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)}

 Number of favourable outcomes of A = 6

 (ii) B: getting a sum 10.

 B = {(4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4)}

 Number of favourable outcomes of B = 3


Q.12. An integer is chosen at random between 1 and 100. Find the probability that it is:

 (i) divisible by 8.

 (ii) not divisible by 8. 

Solution: The total number are 2, 3, 4, …….. 99

 (i) Let E be the event of getting a number divisible by 8.

 E = {8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96} = 12

 (ii) Let E’ be the event of getting a number not divisible by 8.

Then, P(E’) = 1 – P(E) = 1 – 0.1224 = 0.8756


Section – C

Q.13. Find HCF and LCM of 404 and 96 and verify that HCF × LCM = Product of the two given numbers. 


 Prime factorization of 404 = 2 × 2 × 101

 Prime factorization of 96 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3

 HCF = 2 × 2 = 4

 And LCM = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 101 = 9696

 HCF = 4, LCM = 9696


 HCF × LCM = Product of the two given numbers

 4 × 9696 = 404 × 96

 38784 = 38784

 Hence Verified.


Q.14. Find all zeroes of the polynomial (2x4 – 9x3 + 5x2 + 3x – 1) if two of its zeroes are (2 + √3) and (2 – √3). 


Here, p(x) = 2x4 – 9x3 + 5x2 + 3x – 1

And two of its zeroes are (2 + √3) and (2 – √3).

Quadratic polynomial with zeroes is given by,

 {x – (2 + √3)}. {x – (2 – √3)}

 ⇒ (x – 2 – √3) (x – 2 + √3)

 ⇒ (x – 2)2 – (√3)2

 ⇒ x2 – 4x + 4 – 3

 ⇒ x2 – 4x + 1 = g(x) (say)

 Now, g(x) will be a factor of p(x) so g(x) will be divisible by p(x)

 For other zeroes,

 2x2 – x – 1 = 0

 2x2 – 2x + x – 1 = 0


2x (x – 1) + 1 (x – 1) = 0

(x – 1) (2a + 1) = 0

x – 1 = 0 and 2x + 1 = 0

x = 1, x = -½

Zeroes of p(x) are

 1, -½, 2 + √3 and 2 – √3.


Q.15. If A(-2, 1) and B(a, 0), C(4, b) and D( 1, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD, find the values of a and b. Hence find the lengths of its sides. 


Q.15. If A(-5, 7), B(-4, -5), C(-1, -6) and D(4, 5) are the vertices of a quadrilateral, find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.


Given ABCD is a parallelogram.


Q.16. A plane left 30 minutes late than its scheduled time and in order to reach the destination 1500 km away in time, it had to increase its speed by 100 km/h from the usual speed. Find its usual speed. 

Solution: Let the usual speed of plane be x km/h.

 Increased speed = (x + 100) km/h.

 Distance to cover = 1500 km.

 Time taken by plane with usual speed = 1500 /x hr

 Time taken by plane with increased speed = 1500 /100 + x

 According to the question,

 x2 + 100x = 300000

 x2 + 100x – 300000 = 0

 x2 + 600x – 500x – 300000 = 0

 x(x + 600) – 500(x + 600) = 0

 (x + 600) (x – 500) = 0

 Either x + 600 = 0 ⇒ x = -600 (Rejected)


 x – 500 = 0 ⇒ x = 500

 Usual speed of plane = 500 km/hr.


Q.17. Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle described on one side of the square is equal to half the area of the equilateral triangle described on one of its diagonal. 


Q.17. If the area of two similar triangles is equal, prove that they are congruent.

Solution: Let ABCD be a square with side ‘a’.


Q.18. Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point of a circle are equal. 


Given: A circle with centre O on which two tangents PM and PN are drawn from an external point P.

 To Prove: PM = PN

 Construction: Join OM, ON and OP

 Proof: Since tangent and radius are perpendicular at point of contact,

 ∠OMP = ∠ONP = 90°

 In ΔPOM and ΔPON,

 OM = ON (Radii)

 ∠OMP = ∠ONP

 PO = OP (Common)

 ΔOMP = ΔONP (RHS cong.)

 PM = PN (C.P.C.T)

 Hence Proved.


Q.19. If 4 tanθ = 3, evaluate [(4sinθ – cosθ + 1)/ (4sinθ + cosθ – 1)]


Q.19. If tan 2A = cot (A – 18°), where 2A is an acute angle, find the value of A.


 Given, 4 tan θ = 3

 ⇒ tan θ = ¾ (=P/B)


 Solution: Given, tan 2A = cot (A – 18°)

 ⇒ cot (90° – 2A) = cot (A – 18°)

 [∵ tan θ = cot (90° – θ)]

 ⇒ 90° – 2A = A – 18°

 ⇒ 90° + 18° = A + 2A

 ⇒ 108° = 3A

 ⇒ A = 36°


Q.20. Find the area of the shaded region in Fig. 2, where arcs are drawn with centres A, B, C and D intersect in pairs at mid-points P, Q, R and S of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA respectively of a square ABCD of side 12 cm. [Use π = 3.14] 


 Given, ABCD is a square of side 12 cm.

 P, Q, R and S are the midpoints of sides AB, BC, CD and AD respectively.

 Area of shaded region = Area of square – 4 × Area of quadrant

 = a2 – 4 × ¼πr2 

 = (12)2 – 3.14 × (6)2

 = 144 – 3.14 × 36

 = 144 – 113.04

 = 30.96 cm2


Q.21. A wooden article was made by scooping out a hemisphere form each end of a solid cylinder, as shown in Fig. 3. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm and its base is of radius 3.5 cm. Find the total surface area of the article. 


Q.21. A heap of rice is in the form of a cone of base diameter 24 m and height 3.5 m. Find the volume of the rice. How much canvas cloth is required to just cover the heap?


 Given, Radius (r) of cylinder = Radius of hemisphere = 3.5 cm.

 Total SA of article = CSA of cylinder + 2 × CSA of hemisphere

 Height of cylinder, h = 10 cm

 TSA = 2πrh + 2 × 2πr2

 = 2πrh + 4πr2

 = 2πrh (h + 2r)

 = 2 × ²²⁄7× 3.5 (10 + 2 × 3.5)

 = 2 × 22 × 0.5 × (10 + 7)

 = 2 × 11 × 17

 = 374 cm2


 Solution: Base diameter of cone = 24 m.

 Radius r = 12 m

 Height of cone, h = 3.5 m

 Volume of rice in conical heap = ⅓πr2h

 = ⅓ × ²²⁄7 × 12 × 12 × 3.5 = 528 cm3


Q.22. The table below shows the salaries of 280 persons:

Calculate the median salary of the data.


 N2= 2802  = 140

The cumulative frequency just greater than 140 is 182.

Median class is 10 -15.

 l = 10, h = 5, N = 280, c.f. = 49 and f = 133


Section – D

Q.23. A motorboat whose speed is 18 km/hr in still water takes 1 hr more to go 24 km upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream. 


Q.23. A train travels at a certain average speed for a distance of 63 km and then travels at a distance of 72 km at an average speed of 6 km/hr more than its original speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete the total journey, what is the original average speed?


Given, speed of motorboat instil

 water = 18 km/hr.

 Let speed of stream = x km/hr.

 Speed of boat downstream = (18 + x) km/hr.

 And speed of boat upstream = (18 – x) km/hr.

 Time of the upstream journey = 2418-x 

 Time of the downstream journey = 2418+x

 According to the question,

 ⇒ x2 + 48x – 324 = 0

 ⇒ x2 + 54x – 6x – 324 = 0

 ⇒ x(x + 54) – 6(x + 54) = 0

 ⇒ (x + 54)(x – 6) = 0

 Either x + 54 = 0 ⇒ x = -54

 Rejected, as speed cannot be negative


 x – 6 = 0 ⇒ x = 6

 Thus, the speed of the stream is 6 km/hr.


 Solution: Let the original average speed of train be x km/hr.

 Increased speed of train = (x + 6) km/hr.

 Time taken to cover 63 km with average speed = 64x hr.

 Time taken to cover 72 km with increased speed = 72x+6 hr.

 According to the question,

⇒ 135x + 378 = 3(x2 + 6x)

 ⇒ 135x + 378 = 3x2 + 18x

 ⇒ 3x2 + 18x – 135x – 378 = 0

 ⇒ 3x2 – 117x – 378 = 0

 ⇒ 3(x2 – 39x – 126) = 0

 ⇒ x2 – 39x – 126 = 0

 ⇒ x2 – 42x + 3x – 126 – 0

 ⇒ x(x – 42) + 3(x – 42) = 0

 ⇒ (x – 42) (x + 3) = 0

 Either x – 42 = 0 ⇒ x = 42


x + 3 = 0 ⇒ x = -3

 Rejected (as speed cannot be negative)

 Thus, average speed of train is 42 km/hr.


Q.24. The sum of four consecutive numbers in an AP is 32 and the ratio of the product of the first and the last term to the product of two middle terms is 7:15. Find the numbers. 

Solution: Let the first term of AP be a and d be a common difference.

 Let your consecutive term of an AP be a – 3d, a – d, a + d and a + 3d

 According to the question,

 a – 3d + a – d + a + d + a + 3d = 32

 ⇒ 4a = 32

 ⇒ a = 8 …(i)


 (a – 3d) (a + 3d) : (a – d) (a + d) = 7 : 15

 For d = 2, four terms of AP are,

 a – 3d = 8 – 3 (2) = 2

 a – d = 8 – 2 = 6

 a + d = 8 + 2 = 10

 a + 3d = 8 + 3(2) = 14

 For d = -2, four term are

 a – 3d = 8 – 3(-2) = 14

 a – d = 8 – (-2) = 10

 a + d = 8 + (-2) = 6

 a + 3d = 8 + 3 (-2) = 2

 Thus, the four terms of AP series are 2, 6, 10, 14 or 14, 10, 6, 2.


Q.25. In an equilateral ∆ABC, D is a point on side BC such that BD = ⅓ BC. Prove that 9(AD)2 = 7(AB)2


Q.25. Prove that, in a right triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.


 Given, ABC is an equilateral triangle and D is a point on BC such that BD = ⅓  BC.

To prove: 9AD2 = 7AB2

 Construction : Draw AE ⊥ BC

 Proof: BD = ⅓ BC …(i) (Given)

 AE ⊥ BC

 We know that perpendicular from a vertex of equilateral triangle to the base divides base in two equal parts.

 BE = EC = ½ BC …(ii)

 In ∆AEB,

 AD2 = AE2 + DE2 (Pythagoras theorem)


AE2 = AD2 – DE2 …(iii)

 Similarly, In ∆AEB,

 AB2 = AE2 + BE2


Solution: Given: ∆ABC is a right angle triangle, right-angled at A.

 To prove : BC2 = AB2 + AC2

 Construction : Draw AD ⊥ BC.

 Proof: In ∆ADB and ∆BAC,

 ∠B = ∠B (Common)

 ∠ADB = ∠BAC (Each 90°)

 ∆ADB ~ ∆BAC (By AA similarity axiom)


 AB2 = BC × BD


 ∆ADC ~ ∆CAB


 AC2 = BC × DC …(ii)

 On adding equation (i) and (ii)

 AB2 + AC2 = BC × BD + BC × CD = BC (BD + CD) = BC × BC

 AB2 + AC2 = BC2

 BC2 = AB2 + AC2

Hence Proved.


Q.26. Draw a triangle ABC with BC = 6 cm, AB = 5 cm and ∠ABC = 60°. Then construct a triangle whose sides are ¾ of the corresponding sides of the ∆ABC. 


Draw a line segment BC = 6 cm.

Construct ∠XBC = 60°.

With B as centre and radius equal to 5 cm, draw an arc intersecting XB at A.

Join AC. Thus, ∆ABC is obtained.

Draw an acute angle ∠CBY below of B.

Mark 4-equal parts on BY as B1, B2, B3 and B4

Join B4 to C.

From By draw a line parallel to B4C intersecting BC at C’.

Draw another line parallel to CA from C’, intersecting AB at A’.

∆A’BC’ is required triangle which is similar to ∆ABC such that BC’ = ¾  BC.





Q.28. The diameters of the lower and upper ends of a bucket in the form of a frustum of a cone are 10 cm and 30 cm respectively. If its height is 24 cm, find:

 (i) The area of the metal sheet used to make the bucket.

 (ii) Why we should avoid the bucket made by ordinary plastic? [Use π = 3.14] 

Solution: Given, Height of frustum, h = 24 cm.

 Diameter of lower end = 10 cm

 Radius of lower end, r = 5 cm.

 Diameter of upper end = 30 cm

 Radius of upper end, R = 15 cm.

(i) Area of metal sheet used to make the bucket = CSA of frustum + Area of base

 = πl(R + r) + πr2

 = π[26 (15 + 5) + (5)2]

 = 3.14 (26 × 20 + 25)

 = 3.14 (520 + 25)

 = 3.14 × 545

 = 1711.3 cm2

(ii) We should avoid the bucket made by ordinary plastic because plastic is harmful to the environment and to protect the environment its use should be avoided.


Q.29. As observed from the top of a 100 m high lighthouse from the sea-level, the angles of depression of two ships are 30° and 45°. If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same side of the lighthouse, find the distance between the two ships. [Use √3 = 1.732] 

Solution: Let AB be the lighthouse and two ships are at C and D.

 Distance between two ships = y – x

 = 100√3 – 100 [from equation (i) and (ii)]

 = 100 (√3 – 1)

 = 100(1.732 – 1)

 = 100 (0.732)

 = 73.2 m


Q.30. The mean of the following distribution is 18. Find the frequency f of the class 19-21. 


Q.30. The following distribution gave the daily income of 50 workers of a factory:

Convert the distribution above to a less than type cumulative frequency distribution and draw its give.


Social Science 10th Previous Year Question Paper 2019 SET-I (CBSE)

Social Science

Section – A

Q.1. Explain the aim to form ‘Zollverein’ a Customs Union, in 1834 in Germany. 


Q.1. Explain the main reason responsible for the eruption of a major protest in Saigon Native Girls School in Vietnam in 1926. 

Answer: Zollverein was a customs union formed in 1834 at the initiative of Prussia. The union abolished tariff barriers and internal custom dues and was willing to establish free trade with neighbouring states. It reduced the number of currencies from thirty to two. Most German states joined the Zollverein.


Answer: A major protest occurred in Saigon Native Girls School in 1926. This protest erupted because a Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move back and make space for a French student. She was expelled when she refused to obey the order of the Principal. Other students supporting her were also expelled by the principal who was a colon. This led to spread of open protests.


Q.2. Why was printing of textbooks sponsored by the Imperial State in China? 


Q.2. Why did Chandu Menon give up the idea of translation of ‘English Novels’ in Malayalam?

Answer: The printing of textbooks were sponsored by the Imperial State in China because China possessed a large bureaucratic system, which recruited their personnel through Civil service examinations. That is why, textbooks were printed in large numbers to provide them study material.


Answer: The readers in Kerala were not familiar with the lifestyle of the characters portrayed in english Novels. Direct translation of english novels into Malayalam was thus making the novels boring because the readers could not relate. Thus, Chandu menon gave up the idea of translating them and wrote a story in Malayalam instead.


Q.3. How has Shillong solved the problem of acute shortage of water? 


Q.3. How has Tamil Nadu solved the problem of acute shortage of water ?

Answer: Shillong has been able to deal with the problem of acute shortage of water by setting up Bamboo drip irrigation systems.


Answer: Tamil Nadu has been able to deal with the problem of acute shortage of water by adopting Rooftop water harvesting techniques.


Q.4. How did the feeling of alienation develop among the Sri Lankan Tamils?

Answer: The measures of the act of 1956 introduced by Sinhalese Government made the Sri Lankan Tamils feel alienated. They felt that none of the major political parties led by the Buddhist Sinhalese were sensitive towards their language and culture. They also felt that the constitution and policies of the government denied them equal political rights, discriminated against them in terms of jobs and other opportunities by ignoring their interests.


Q.5. What may be a developmental goal of farmers who depend only on rain for growing crops?


Q.5. What may be a developmental goal of urban unemployed youth?

Answer: The developmental goal for a farmer who depends only on rain for irrigating his crops might be to have access to better water harvesting and irrigation techniques.


Answer: The developmental goal for an urban unemployed youth would be to get a decent job suitable to his/her qualifications and skills.


Q.6. Give one example each of modem currency and older currency. 

Answer: An example of modem currency is the plastic money that we use in the form of debit and credit cards.

An example of older currency is the bronze coins that were used in earlier times.


Q.7. If you want to purchase an electrical valuable good, what logo would you like to see to confirm its quality?


Section -B

Q.8. Describe the great economic hardship that prevailed in Europe during the 1930s. 


Q.8. Describe the serious problem faced by the modem part of Hanoi in 1903.

Answer: Great economic hardships were faced by the people of Europe in the 1930s. Some of the difficulties that they faced are:

  • The ratio of the rise of the population was larger than that of employment generation. People from rural areas were migrating to cities in search of employment, which was not as easily available because of overcrowding.
  • Small producers in towns (especially textile-producing industries) were often overthrown by the cheap machines. They faced stiff competition from imports from England.
  • Peasants still suffered under the burden of feudal dues and obligations in some regions of Europe. Rise of food prices and unemployment led to widespread pauperism in the country.


Answer: The French sought to create a modem Vietnam and decided to rebuild Hanoi. The latest ideas about architecture and modem engineering skills were employed to build a new and ‘modem’ city.

(i) However, in 1903, the modem part of Hanoi was struck by bubonic plague.

(ii) The French part had wide avenues and well-planned sewer system, while the native quarter was not provided with any modem facilities. Thus, the refuse from the old city drained straight out into the river or, during heavy rains of floods, overflowed into the streets which become the cause of the plague.

(iii) Large sewers became a breeding ground for rats which began to enter the well-cared-for homes of the French through the sewage pipes, followed by massive rat hunt programme. This deteriorated the conditions. The whole city was under severe influence of this plague.


Q.9. How had the printing press created a new culture of reading in Europe? Explain with examples. 


Q.9. How did Charles Dickens depicted the terrible effects of industrialisation on people’s lives and characters? Explain with examples.

Answer: With the introduction of the Printing Press, a new wave of print culture began in Europe. It was defined by accelerated production of books and printed material. The mass production of books lead to decrease in the prices of the books and their circulation increased. The reading culture was not restricted only to the elites but now, even the common people began to have easy access to these books.

Printers also focused on publishing the folk tales and ballads, well illustrated with pictures so that the books could be enjoyed even by a less educated audience of the villages. The books gave an opportunity to more and more people to come in contact with the ideas of philosophers and leading thinkers of the time. Thus, this changed the reading culture of Europe widely.


Answer: Hard times was the tenth novel written by Charles Dickens. It was published in 1854. The process of industrialization and its effect on the labour force was the main theme of this novel. Set in the backdrop of a fictitious industrial city of Coketown, the novel sketches the condition of the then cities that were full of machinery, chimneys and smoke. The labours of the industries were considered to be ‘hands’ of the industries.

The economic pressures of the time had reduced human beings to mere instruments of production. One of his other novels, Oliver Twist also revolves around the same theme of consequences of industrialisation. Thus, Dickens proved that the prevailing idea of Utilitarianism which believed in the “the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people” actually lead to the misery of several other or the happiness of the influential lead to the misery of the labourers.


Q.10. Describe any three main features of ‘Alluvial soil’ found in India.


Q.10. Describe any three main features of ‘Black soil’ found in India.

Answer: Major characteristics of Alluvial Soil are:

  • Alluvial soil is considered as one of the most fertile soils. Alluvial soil covers the entire northern plains in India.
  • Alluvial soil contains sand, silt and clay mainly due to silt deposited by Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra rivers.

According to age, it is classified into Bangar (old alluvial) and Khadar (new alluvial).

  • Alluvial soil contains an ample amount of potash, phosphoric acid and lime. This soil is ideal for the growth of crops like sugarcane, wheat and rice etc.


Answer: Major characteristics of Black soil are:

  • Black soil is fine textured and clayey in nature.
  • Black soil has high amount of lime, iron, magnesium and generally low quantities of ‘Phosphorus, Nitrogen and organic matter.
  • It is formed from weathered lava rocks, thus is black in colour.
  • It has a high clay content and therefore is highly retentive of water. It is extremely fertile in most of the places where it is found.


Q.11. “The dams that were constructed to control floods have triggered floods.” Analyse the statement. 

Answer: Our first Prime Minister, Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, called the dams as “the temple of modem India”. These dams that have been constructed to support the economic development of the country, can be destructive at times.

They may cause floods because sometimes, they are constructed without proper planning and also low standard construction material is used. This inferior quality of construction material increases the chances of floods. Construction of these dams can make the area in which they are constructed, ‘earthquake-prone’, which may lead to landslides and the water to flow out of dams.


Q.12. Name any two subjects that are included in the Concurrent List. How are laws made on these subjects? Explain.


Q.12. How is the sharing of power between the Union and the State Governments basic to the structure of the Constitution of India? Explain.

Answer: Concurrent List includes subjects of common interest to both the Union and State government. These subjects are education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession etc.

Both the state and the Union governments can make laws on these subjects. But if the laws made by both the government contradict each other, or a deadlock is created, then the law made by the Union government will prevail.


Answer: Sharing of power between the Union and the State governments is very basic to the structure of the Constitution. The Constitution has distributed the legislative powers between the state government and Union government by dividing the subjects in Union list and State list, on which, these governments can make laws respectively. There is a Concurrent list as well on which, both the governments can make laws.

Also, State governments enjoy their own power in the states like Jammu and Kashmir. Many provisions of the Indian Constitution are not applicable in the states without the approval of the state government. On the other hand, the Union government enjoys its own hold over some of the union territories. This distribution of power is well embedded in the provisions of the constitution and is thus is its basic structure.


Q.13. “Every social difference does not lead to social division.” Justify the statement.

Answer: Social differences do not always lead to social division. They sometimes unite very different people and bring them closer by penetrating through their boundaries.

In this connection, we may take the example of the athletes Tommie Smith, Peter Norman and John Carlos who had participated in the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico. Both Smith and Carlos were African-American athletes who tried to gain international attention in the medal ceremony by wearing black gloves and raising clenched fists against racial discrimination. They attended the ceremony bare feet with black socks to represent black poverty. Their demonstration was to symbolise black power. Peter Norman was an Australian but still, he supported his co-athletes and wore a human rights badge during the ceremony. This shows that social difference does not always lead to social divisions.


Q.14. How can caste take several forms in politics? Explain with examples. 

Answer: Caste is considered to be the sole basis of the social community. People belonging to the same caste belong to a natural social community and have the same interests which they share amongst themselves and no one else. Caste can take various forms in politics.

(i) Caste composition of the electorate is always kept in mind when the nominations are decided by the party during elections. They tend to nominate candidates of different castes so as to muster the necessary support to win elections. When governments are formed, the parties make sure that these candidates of different castes find a place in the setup. Political parties are known to favour some castes and even are recognized as representatives of these castes. This brings prejudice and biases in terms of decisions, ideologies and other such important matters.

(ii) Universal Adult franchise has helped in compelling the political parties to mobilize and have an inclusive approach towards the castes that were earlier ignored by them. However, the inclusion of caste in politics has brought unnecessary violence and controversies. Parties try to favour certain caste and in this way, secure vote bank. Parties also incite people on the pretext of casteism and thus create disasters.


Q.15. “Crude oil reserves are limited all over the world. If people continue to extract it at the present rate, the reserves would last only 35 – 40 years more” Explain any three ways to solve this problem. 

Answer: Crude oil is a non- renewable resource of energy. It takes millions of years for the formation of this fuel, because of to which, it must be used judiciously. This type of fuel is being used faster than they are being produced. This causes depletion and scarcity of crude oil. 

Steps which can be taken to conserve this non-renewable source of energy are:

  • Use of public transport like buses and trains instead of self-owned vehicles will help to conserve petroleum. Carpooling will reduce the consumption of this fuel and thus scarcity will be dealt better with.
  • Use of cycles wherever possible instead of using motorbike or car.
  • Waxing floors with beeswax instead of petroleum-based commercial wax can also be beneficial.


Q.16. Why is it necessary to increase a large number of banks mainly in rural areas? Explain. 


Q.16. Why are service conditions of formal sector loans better than informal sector? Explain. Answer: It is important to open more banks in rural areas as the formal credit sector is missing. The practice of borrowing from an informal sector that exists in rural areas, for example, local money lenders, has a number of disadvantages.

The informal sector charges high rate of interest. Informal sector makes loans very expensive as there are no external organizations controlling the credit activities of lenders.

Informal sector involves a high degree of risk as there are no proper set of rules for repayment and there is a lot of exploitation of the poor farmers. 

Lenders may exploit the borrowers, they may engage in threats and intimidation to ensure repayment of loans. There is no written agreement between the lender and the borrower. There is no legal recourse in case of informal sources of credit.


Answer: Formal sector: 

  • This sector is mainly supervised by the RBI.
  • It includes banks and cooperatives and thus every clause is in writing and very clear.</li><li>In this, collateral is required.
  • It provides loans comparatively at lower rates.
  • It doesn’t lead to a debt trap.

Informal sector:

  • No external organisation supervises this sector.
  • The lenders are mainly money lenders, friends, relatives, traders and landowners etc.
  • Collateral is not required, thus it involves risk.
  • This sector charges higher interest rates without any rules or regulation.
  • This could lead to a debt trap.


Q.17. “How can the Government of India play a major role to make globalization fairer? Explain with examples. 


Q.17. How has globalization affected the life of Indians? Explain with examples.

Answer: Fair globalization would create equal opportunities for all and would ensure that the benefits of globalization are shared better. The government can play a major role in making this possible. The policies of the government must protect the interests of all the people of the country, not only of the rich and powerful. Hence, the government can play a functional role in helping to bridge the gap between the two.

It is necessary for developing countries to have stronger trade and investment rules. They should negotiate at the WTO for fairer rules and regulations.


Answer: Globalization has contributed to the booming of the Indian economy in the following ways:

  • Greater competition among producers resulting from globalisation is a great advantage to consumers as there is greater choice regarding every product before them.
  • Due to globalisation, many MNCs have increased their investments in India, this has not only helped in the inflow of capital but also helped largely in employment generation.
  • Local companies supplying raw materials to the industries that have been set as a result of globalization have prospered by leaps and bounds.
  • Large Indian companies have emerged as multinational companies. This has helped our country to increase bur contacts around the world. Globalisation has helped increase our GDP and per capita income, thus making the living standards better across the globe.


Q.18. How are consumers enjoying the ‘right to be informed’ in their daily life? Explain with examples.


Section – C

Q.19. How had the ‘First World War created economic problems in India? Explain with examples.


Q.19. How had a variety of cultural processes developed a sense of collective belongingness in India during the 19th century? Explain with examples.

Answer: The economic effects of the First World War were:

  • The First World War led to huge expenditures in defence. These expenditures were to be financed by increasing the taxes and by raising customs duties.
  • During the time of the First World War, crop failure resulted in acute shortage of food.
  • During the war, the food prices increased, they almost doubled between 1913 and 1918. This increased the hardships of the people of India.
  • Villages were called upon to supply soldiers. At some rural places, the colonial government forced people to join the army. It caused widespread resentment and anger amongst the people. It set the stage for the Great Depression.
  • There was spread of influenza epidemic which contributed to the hardships of the people. The war weakened the gold standard.


Answer: Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation and when they discover some unity, it binds them together. This sense of collective belonging unites people of different communities, regions or languages by the experience of many united struggles.

There were also a variety of cultural processes through which nationalism captured people’s imagination. History and fiction, folklore, and songs, popular poems and symbols, all played a vital role in the awakening of the spirit of nationalism. The identity of a nation is often symbolised by a figure or image. It was in the early 19th century, with the growth of nationalism that the identity of India came to be visually associated with the image of Bharat Mata. The image was first created by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and in the 1870s he wrote ‘Vande Mataram’ as a hymn to the motherland. Moved by Swadeshi movement, Abanindranath Tagore painted his famous image of Bharat Mata. In this painting, Bharat Mata is portrayed as an ascetic figure, she is calm, composed, divine and spiritual.

Ideas of nationalism also developed through a movement to revive Indian folklore. In the late 19th century India, nationalists began recording folk tales sung by bards and they toured villages to gather folk songs and legends.

These tales gave a true picture of traditional culture that had been corrupted and damaged by outside forces. When people would hear these songs, they would be filled with a spirit of belongingness to the country. They felt energised and highly patriotic. It was thus, essential to spread this folk tradition in order to discover citizen’s national identity and restore a sense of pride for their past.


Q.20. Describe the role of ‘technology’ in the transformation of the world in the nineteenth century. 


Q.20. Describe the life of workers during the nineteenth century in England.


Q.20. Describe various steps taken to clean up London in the nineteenth century.

Answer: The making of modern Global world was characterized by major discoveries and inventions. Technological inventions helped developing in these ways:

  • Railways, steamships, telegraphs transformed the trade and led to easy transportation of goods and raw materials.
  • Technological advancements stimulated the process of industrialization, which expanded the production of goods and trade.
  • Refrigerated ships made transportation of perishable products, like meat, over long distances easy.
  • There was also the development of the Printing Press that lead to print revolution.
  • Communication was made easy with the invention of telephones, computers and other things like cabels, network towers etc.


Answer: The life of the workers in the 19th century was miserable. They were given lower wages and were made to work for longer hours. This was the reason poverty was more prominent in cities as compared to villages. They had to work in the factories and the working environment was hazardous. They dealt with the machines without proper training and education, which was dangerous.

People from countryside rushed to cities in search of new jobs. Only a few of those, whose friends and relatives were already working into the factory could get jobs. The living conditions were so pathetic that it was expected of such people to die in a workhouse, hospital of lunatic asylum rather than in some decent working areas. Nearly 1 million Londoners (about one-fifth of the population of London at the time_ were very poor and living in un-habitable conditions.

The over-congestion was leading to epidemic diseases in the whole city. There was an urgent need to increase the number of rooms these labourers were living in. There was no proper drinking water available sometimes. The life expectancy of these poor people was nearly 29 Years of age while it was near about 55 years of age for the middle and upper-class people.


Answer: The widespread use of coal in homes and industries in 19th century England raised serious problems. Shopkeepers, home owners and others complained about black fog, grey skies and black vegetation. All these factors caused bad temper, smoke related disorders and dirty clothes.

  • Congestion in the city also led to a desire for clean air. Therefore, attempts were made to decongest the localities, make the open places greener, reduce pollution and make the city more beautiful.
  • Large clocks of apartments were built and methods of control as introduced to ease the impact of an excessive housing shortage.
  • A new garden city of new Earswick was made with common gardens, beautiful views where people would live and work. Architects made efforts to plan a green city with a larger number of green belts and gardens.
  • Between the world wars, a large number of houses—most of them single-family cottages were built for the working class.

A million new houses were built and people were encouraged to live in them.


Q.21. Name the two major beverage crops grown ‘.in India. Describe their growing areas. 

Answer: Tea and Coffee are the two most important beverage crops of India.

Assam is the major tea producing state in India along with West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. The cropping season in Assam begins as early as March and extends almost to mid-December. Besides, the popular black tea, Assam also produces small quantities of white and green tea. This state has favourable conditions for the growth of tea. The tea plant grows well in tropical and subtropical climates. It requires deep and fertile well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter. Tea bushes require moist, frost-free and warm climate all through the year with abundant skilled labour. Frequent evenly distributed showers over the year ensure continuous growth of tender tea leaves.

The following are the conditions required for Tea cultivation:

Temperature: 10-30 degrees Celsius Rainfall- average yearly rainfall of 200 cm Altitude- ground level of between 600-2000 meters above sea level.

Coffee is a tropical plant which is also grown in a semi-tropical climate. The coffee tree requires heat, humidity and abundant rainfall. Karnataka, the largest coffee-producing state has favourable conditions necessary for coffee cultivation.

The temperature of the place is 23°C to 28°C. Growth is most rapid during hot rainy season and during cool dry season, berries ripen and get ready for picking. Bright sunshine and warm weather are necessary for harvesting.

It needs rainfall between 60-85 inches. Water stagnation is very harmful for coffee plants; therefore, hill slopes are best suitable for growing it.

Soil is the guiding factor in coffee plantation. The ideal soil is one with a good sub-surface drainage, and one that is easily workable. The presence of humus and other nitrogenous matter in the soil is an advantage.


Q.22. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced? Explain various ways. 

Answer: Main causes of water pollution is due to the wastes discharged from factories, refineries into the water bodies. These wastes contain harmful chemicals such as alkalis, acids etc. and toxic metals like mercury, lead, arsenic etc. which kill the aquatic life.

The following steps can be taken to reduce the industrial pollution:

  • Restructuring the manufacturing processes to reduce or eliminate pollutants, like, lead, zinc, arsenic through a process called Pollution Prevention. Chimneys for treating of gaseous waste are also important.
  • It is necessary to encourage industries to promote “green” methods of production and products. It includes environment-friendly operating processes.
  • It is advisable to create cooling ponds which are man made and designed to cool the heated waters of industries by evaporation, condensation and radiation.
  • It is very important to attach water treatment plant to the industry for filtration of the sewage before it enters the water bodies. Sewage treatment plants are important for treatment of polluted water.


Q.23. “Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.” Justify the statement. 


Q.23. “Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government.” Justify the statement.

Answer: In most of the democracies, a small number of ultra-rich group of people enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and income. The share of rich class is increasing, whereas those who are at the bottom of the society, have very little to depend upon.

Even in India, the poor constitute a large proportion of the voters and no party will like to lose their votes. Yet, democratically elected government does not appear to be keen on addressing the question of poverty as is expected of them. The situation is much worse in some other countries, like in Bangladesh more than half of its population live in poverty. People in several poor countries are now dependent on the rich countries even for basic food supplies.

Democracies are based on political equality. All citizens have equal rights in electing representatives, but this is not so in the economic field. Economic equality comes by the equitable distribution of wealth, but this is not true in democracy. The poor are becoming poorer, and sometimes they find it difficult to even meet the basic needs of life like food, shelter, health and education. There can be many factors that are prevailing in a country that make it incapable to bring about equitable distribution of wealth.

Large population: Rise in population leads to rise in family size. But, because the family income is less the people have to adjust and manage with meagre pay.

Unemployment: Because of the population explosion, the number of job opportunities are very less compared to the people. A ‘ large number of still educated people are without jobs.

Vicious circle of poverty: Poor people still have to be dependent on money-lenders to fulfill their basic needs as their income doesn’t substitute their needs.

Low literacy rate: Education is still considered to be a dream for many.

All of these factors make it difficult for a democratic government to function and work efficiently.


Answer: Democracy is better than other forms of government because:

  • People are their own masters. In a democracy, every individual has a right to vote and choose his representatives in the government. Thus, it is more representative and popular.
  • The government is of the people and the laws are made by the people (or the chosen representatives) in the government. Laws are made to protect the liberty and freedom of the people. Thus, the laws are popular opinion of the citizens on the whole.
  • In a democracy, no particular religion, region, race or language is given special preference.

All individuals are given equal rights and freedom, and there is no discrimination.

  • The government is not by force. The opposition parties are allowed to criticise the government. Hence, there is a system of checks and balances in the form of democratic government.
  • Since every individual is given equal rights, there is less danger of conflicts in society. There are less conflicts based on caste, religion or region and less social tensions in society. Equitable distribution of opportunities is encouraged.


Q.24. What is a political party? Explain any four characteristics of a political party.

Answer: Political party is an organised group of people having a common ideology and its aim is to contest elections and come to power.

Four characteristics/features of political parties are given below:

  • Political parties seek control over the government through the process of election.
  • Parties run the government. They ensure that a country is governed as per set ideologies.
  • Parties frame their own policies in the form of manifestos which includes their vision on the basis of which they would establish governance in the country.
  • Political parties make laws and policies for the country. Members of the legislature belong to various political parties and are guided by party ideologies.
  • Parties give representation to diverse interests in society and give recognition to minorities.
  • A political party has a leader, active members and followers who support the party. (Any four)


Q.25. Compare the economic activities of the private sector with that of the public sector. 


S.No. Private Sector  Public Sector
1. Ownership of assets and delivery of services is in the hands of private individuals or companies. The govt owns most of the assets and provides all services.
2. Their main motive is to earn a profit. Their main motive is public welfare rather than to earn a profit.
3. The decision regarding production and distribution are taken by managers or owners of the company. The decision regarding production and distribution are taken by the government.
4. Due to the movie of earning a profit, it does not invest funds to construct infrastructures for public utility/facility. Due to motives of public welfare, it invests fund to construct infrastructures for public utility/ facility, like the construction of road, bridges, etc
5. Examples: Tata iron and steel company Ltd. (TISCO), Reliance industries Ltd., Etc. Examples: Railways, post office, police station, etc.


Q.26. (A) Two features ‘a’ and ‘b’ are marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked near them: 

(a) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held.

(b) The place where Gandhiji violated the salt law. 

(B) Locate and label any three of the following with appropriate symbols on the same given outline political map of India:

(i) Bokaro – Iron and Steel Plant

(ii) Gandhinagar – Software Technology Park

(iii) Tarapur – Nuclear Power Plant

(iv) Salal – Dam

(v) Tuticorin – Seaport

Answer :



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